

據說第一季開拍的前半年, 演員們是兩兩住在一起的,
別說我偏心Chris(不過這是事實^^"), 還是會貼一些Darren的 ^///^


這是CC和好朋友們的第二篇 (第一篇在這裡),
主要都是借助湯上迷妹的組圖, 收集之後放在一起.
說到兩兩"同居"在公司替他們租的公寓,Chris的同居室友就是.....Cory ^///^


* Chris Colfer & Darren Criss (蛛絲馬跡在這Blog處處可見, 我就隨便貼一個好)


 Chris Colfer & Dianna Agron
這是我最愛的組合了,看來私底下Chris和Dianna是很親密的一對(?) CC的閨蜜是Ashley Fink才對啦
Darren, eat your heart! 嫉妒吧,Darren~





DA: The honesty that he infuses into his Glee character, Kurt, leaves you reeling.
CC: She's wise beyond her years. 

* 誰可以告訴我這張圖從哪裡截出來的? (拍攝3x08)



 Darren Criss & Dianna Agron (Dianna發的推 ^^)


 Chris Colfer & Lea Michele  (這篇有較深入提到Chris與Lea)
不用多說, Lea有多疼愛Chris是大家早就知道了吧 ^_^
只有我覺得Lea是Glee裡面最愛親Chris的女生嗎 XDDD


 Chris Colfer & Cory Monteith   
曾經是室友的Chris和Cory. Cory應該多爆一點Chris的料,好滿足我們的好奇心呀~




 Chris Colfer & Chord Overstreet  

* 貼幾張有趣的在2011巡迴演唱的舞台上和舞台下的~ Chris和Chord的水槍大戰  XDDD



* 這張忘了是誰發的推, 猜測應該是在Chris睡著時,另外兩個男生和另一個主謀偷拍的 XDDD
6a285c5424f08b6e0d17ff18872ca6d9  0082b190926486f28fccb027047e4207 



 Darren Criss & Chord Overstreet (Glee的超級三劍客之二, 另一個是Mike ^_^ )

* 三劍客的照片待補 (要想在我的tumblr翻歷史資料如海底撈針一樣困難 >"< ) 


* 亞洲幫 : 這個好好笑, 大家都在猜一定是現場發生了一個 "亞洲笑話" XDD

↑自左而右笑翻的那四個有亞洲血統的是 Jenna,Mike,Darren,Darren的宣傳.(來自2011動漫季)



 Chris Colfer & Mark Salling (左上圖: CC是被抓包了嗎?  XDDD)


 Chris Colfer & Jenna Ushkowitz  

到底是誰那麼愛拍人睡覺啊--- Cory嗎?! XDDD

* 拍攝第二季 Hummel-Hudson婚禮時

* 高一點, 再高一點 >////<





 Chris Colfer & Amber Riley  



 Chris Colfer & Naya Rivera  


 Chris Colfer & Kevin McHale  

Kevin說他第一次見到Chris時 : My first test, I tested with Chris Colfer. And we went up to the elevator together and I kind of helped him get checked in, and I saw that he had all the Artie sides, and I’m like, “Uhh, God, I helped my competition.” But then I found out they literally created a role for him. And then we came back two days later and tested again, and that time Jenna was there - she had flown in from New York. And Chris was like, “I hope I get it!” And we were like, “Um, I think it’s pretty safe to say… Like, you’re Kurt. They created it for you.” ‘Cause each of us had somebody else that we tested against. Like, there was nobody else. He was it. (From:專訪Kevin





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