
01 02

因為幾天前, Chris的新電影【Struck by Lightning】終於釋出了官方預告,
就先從倉庫裡搬出這些去年拍攝期間的花絮,片場小故事....好多好多~ (2012.2.21.整理)    

"Glee 2011 英美加巡迴演唱" 束之後, Darren 隨即舉行個人在"英倫的演唱會"
而Chris則進行拍攝他的第一部同時擔任製片,編寫演出的電影【Struck by Lightning】
恭喜Chris又向個人事業邁進了一大步!!! 這部電影將於2012年在美國上映.
Chris脫了!!!! + Chris穿鉛筆裝 + 現場回答粉絲提問 Video
 粉絲貼文 + Chris的 Q&A 內容出來了

* Director: Brian Dannelly
* Writer: Chris Colfer
* Stars:Christina Hendricks, Chris Colfer and Sarah Hyland
* Chris 將在電影中演出的角色是: Carson Phillips
* 目前只知道是喜劇片 (可能是校園勵志喜劇)

* Chris Colfer - Carson Phillips
* Allison Janney - Sheryl Phillips (演CC的媽)
* Polly Bergen - Grandma (演CC的外婆)
* Adam Kolkin - Young Carson Phillips (演小Kurt的演員, 這次還是演CC小時候)

What do you want people to take away from Struck By Lightning?
Chris: I hope that people are just inspired by this movie, because I think that a lot of movies that are made for kids of our generation are just about kids that wanna get laid or wanna do drugs or wanna be cool or popular, and my character doesn’t want any of those things. My character just wants to get the hell out of this town. So I hope it just inspires kids to keep going and use their voice.





CC在【Struck by Lightning】片場
08  09



12  13

14  15
拍照的粉絲說:Chris Colfer is the coolest guy in Hollywood. He treats the Fan-Girls like royalty. Everybody on the production crew is really cool too!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!

Chris在推特上被【Struck by Lightning】演員讚美囉~



 Chris在拍片現場回答粉絲的問題.(下)  (片長 8:50)

↑很近,很清楚, CC的鉛筆裝是自己做的喔! 這是後半段(第3支)的影片, 前面的影片(第1+2支)請下移瀏覽(貼在下面了),這部份的文字內容還沒找到,若是找到了,會在補上(也懇請好心人提供吧)

18  19






裡面有段很好笑, Chris飾演的Carson在這場戲一直罵髒話, 導演說"我知道大家都很愛Chris Colfer,但在這場戲你們要覺得他是Loser"
Seriously though, it was so fun. Chris Colfer is SUCH a sweetheart. I was expecting to catch, like, a glimpse of him or two, but he came out and jumped up and down - he looked so happy to see us - then took the mike and thanked us all for coming and said he’d been nervous, because people have come out in droves to see Glee but never just him. He gave us each a letter - he signed every one - thanking us for our involvement. He had two lengthy Q&A sessions with us during downtime on the set and kept doing little dances with the other actors.  He seems like such a fun guy.
His character was in a pencil costume (pictures are making their way around) and kept spitting "fuck you" or "screw you" at the silent crowd while the cameras were rolling. Then the director would yell “cut” and he’d go back to smiling and waving at us. At one point, when the director told us “Now we know you all love Chris Colfer, but for this scene, you have to think he's a loser”, he kind of turtled in on himself with the costume and waddled around like a penguin; it was random but hilarious.
The girl who plays the oldest daughter on “Modern Family” was on set, too: She’s the head cheerleader character. There were a couple of other famous people filming with them, but I didn’t know them as well as my fellow Tumblrees did. (Hi, new Tumblr friends!) Lauren Lopez is apparently in the movie, though she wasn’t on set. Ashley Fink WAS on set, but she was just visiting - she’s not in the movie itself. We waved to her at one point and she laughed and waved back.
All in all, a great night. It’s gonna be an awesome movie! :)

"Join the writers Club" (Chris飾演的Carson要大家參加"寫作社團"啦)
24  25




29  30

 Chris Colfer Struck By Lightning 2nd Q&A--Chris在拍片現場回答粉絲的問題.(片長9:00)
↑這是後半段(第2支)的影片, 前半段影片(第1支)請下移瀏覽(貼在下面了)

* Chris在拍片現場回答粉絲的問題.  XDDD (好好笑喔~)
每一個回答都好有趣, CC還說他完全不知道Darren會吻他, 他最喜歡在英國丟盤子那場Klaine skit ,,有人問是否看過Darren的劇團starkid的演出,CC說有看過 Voldemort的,然後Lauren Lopez(starkid中演跩哥的演員)在會客串這部電影.  他不知道Kurt接下來會怎樣,他們(指編劇)說第三季Kurt會比較好玩,他很期待,因為Kurt總是最悲傷的一個. 還談到這部電影的主軸及他所飾演的角色.

* Q&A with Chris Colfer

 Okay so this is not completely in order, I don't think, but this is what I got from the videos I took.

Fan: What's your spirit animal?
Chris: mix between a llama and a sea monkey
Fan: How are your sea monkies?
Chris: They're dead
Fan: Inspiration for this movie?
Chris: A lot of movies that are made for kids of our generation are just made, are just about kids who wanna get laid or wanna do drugs or wanna be cool and popular. And my character doesn’t want any of those things. He just wants to get the hell out of his town. Inspires kids to keep going and use their voice.
Fan: Was coming out hard?
Chris: Yeah. …Chelsea Handler.
Fan: What would you see in the mirror or Erised?
Chris: I dunno. Good question. Myself in the mirror looking like this.
Fan: Do you know how amazing you are?
Chris:  I'm soaking all this up.
Chris: First thing that I've ever written. Yes, thank you. Thank you for being part of it.
Fan: Who's writing the facebook page?
Chris: Me when I remember. All the characters have twitter accounts, you should follow them. I don't post them but they're written by me.
Fan: Who's your celebrity crush?
Chris: I can't answer this because I see celebrities everywhere. That would be really awkward.
Fan: or awesome.
Chris: Awkward.
Fan: If there was a movie about your life who would you want to play you?
Chris: Meryl Streep; as soon as she's done playing Margaret Thatcher and Iron Lady she should come play Chris Colfer.
Fan: Won't be as good as you.
Chris: She'd be better.
Fan: Have you seen all the starkid plays?
Chris: All I've seen is the first one. Or maybe I've seen the sequel.
Fan: Umbridge or Voldemort?
Chris: Voldemort. Oh, but I dunno. She might kill me for saying this but Lauren Lopez is actually in the movie.
Chris: Kinda sorta. It's not really based on Clovis east, just the name is. The story isn't autobiographic
Chris: My life motto? don't trip
Fan: Have you ever been starstruck?
Chris: Everywhere I go. Too many stories to be socially acceptable.
Fan: Are you sick of the single ladies' dance?
Chris: Noooo.
Fan: Dream role?
Chris: This one. Right now.
Fan: Favorite Klaine skit?
Chris: So much material in London. I like the one where I was throwing the plates. People thought I was insane, but yeah they were right.
Fan: Did you know Darren was going to kiss you?
Chris: I had no idea, no idea. He totally laid one on me. It was hysterical.
Fan: Favorite movie ever?
Chris: Oh I could never choose, but I love, have you guys seen Stardust? Notes on A Scandal. And I love Xmen.
Fan: Favorite memory of the tour?
Chris: Surprise the audience every night with the skits
Fan: What will Kurt do in season three?
Chris: Oh I dunno, um graduate. They say that he is gonna be really funny this season, so I'm looking forward to that cuz Kurt’s very sad in most episodes
Fan: What Hogwarts house would you be in?
Chris: After much consideration, of course I wanna be in Gryffindor, but I'm in Ravenclaw.
Fan: Duet with anyone?
Chris: Paulie Bergen who's playing my grandmother in this movie.
Fan: If you had a llama what would you name it?
Chris: Steven or Cornelius.

髒 CC  帥爆了


↓ CC變鉛筆了~ 好可愛唷 ^///^ 
33  34

 Chris Colfer Struck By Lightning First Q&A

↑ Chris在拍片現場回答粉絲的問題.

35  36



39  40

【Struck by Lightning】演員, 但我誰都不認識  :P
↑【Struck by Lightning】actors who were also there - Robbie Amell and Graham (Hot Tub Guy) Rogers with… oh crap… what's her name? The "Goth" chick

由這張Darren(2011.7.23)在San Antonio拍的香蕉抱抱圖,所以產生了後面的同人圖 (就是這篇Darren Criss在Six Flags Live演唱時拍的)
↑ Darren在推特說: This banana is giving me all the good energy I need for a great show in San Antonio today!

日本粉絲的手繪同人圖, 好可愛喔~(From:這裡)
43  44

↓ 超感謝Gleek: hoshiru 提供以下訊息一則 (大家拍拍手謝謝他喔  )
 因為現場有粉絲問,CC說:Lauren Lopez確定會來客串本片!!!!

今天稍早Lauren Lopez發了個推說她要去LA,而且還小賣關子說大家應該知道她要去幹嘛XD

Lauren Lopez 和 Darren同屬Starkid劇團.

Darren飾演AVPM/AVPS裡面的哈利.Lauren Lopez飾演跩哥

Glee巡演密西根站 Darren有帶Starkid的朋友進後台 他們當時就有跟Chris見過面了 Lauren回去還馬上在推上說Chris超級可愛無敵棒

粉絲在片場的分享文 (From:這裡)
I am literally blown away by Chris Colfer
I am driving back from being an extra on Struck By Lightning and I can honestly say that was one of the best experiences of my life. I expected to be waiting around forever, maybe see Chris a little in the distance…but I was blown away! He was so friendly and talked to his fans and even answered questions for a good 20 minutes (and was even nice to the Darren and Kummer fans that asked THOSE questions) and was always smiling and warm and so so so incredibly nice! I couldn’t believe how amazing he was.
He is literally the most amazing, beautiful person ever.
Best moment of my life.

髒 CC ( 髒兮兮的CC ) >////<

↓  Chris脫了啊啊啊啊啊!!!!  

↓  又是這條圍巾  ^_^ 




55  56

57  58

CHris露肚肚外加小褲褲 (太性感了)

Chris 要去洗澡囉 (你可不可以把上衣都脫了再進去) ^///^ 

Chris有胸肌   ~~~~啊啊啊啊 ~~ 

62  63

64  65

66  67

Chris+Darren (別太高興了,這張是粉絲無敵強大的改圖)  =///=
68  69

由於CC這批照片,推特上的角色扮演Blaine就發了這個推(快把我笑死了) XDDD


在 Glee2x3 中扮演小Kurt的小演員Adam, 這次也將參予新片的演出喔~

↑ Adam 和Chris真的長得一模一樣, 連氣質都好像 (CC偷生的嗎?)


【Struck by Lightning】官方勢出的演員名單
↓ 【Struck by Lightning】官方海報



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