

官方公佈今年(2011)聖誕專輯的曲目了, 預計2011年11月15日發行(美國地區)
CD專輯共收錄12首歌, 當中有兩首原創曲.全輯 12首完整版已釋出.進來聽歌
 確定 3x09 為聖誕特集,Will老師是本集的導演

 因為要收歌,所以花了點時間剪輯影片和上傳影片, (觀影心得分享劇透 都放在這裡囉)
我是邊看邊抱著肚子笑(尤其是黑白片那裡),看完整集只有三個字 "WTF"
GLEE 是大騙子 !!! 還我 Klaine !!!!
很多圖片 + 8支表演歌曲 + 花絮 4支 + Glee WTF (2011.12.22.更新 花絮+Santa baby)

PS: 線上觀看已開放至 第三季 第 9集 --- 請點選側邊選單 

↓ 看到這張照片了吧! 全部被剪掉了 !!!!

GLEE,你們是給我說清楚, 既然要刪掉, 為什麼還要發官方劇照?
我等這一集就是等 Blaine送禮物給Kurt, Kurt上一集被小賽同學氣得半死,
原本以為Blaine會在這集加倍對Kurt好, 送個聖誕禮物什麼的, 竟然被剪得一點不剩 (剩背影) T.T
我還想看 Kurt說"我就是喜歡這樣的你"的說 (哭哭)

據 TV Live 說~ (From)

* 那麼盒子裡到底是什麼?! TV Live 說:
Blaine對Kurt解釋,因為financial issues(就是錢啦)的因素,
不能送給Kurt他想要的禮物(Elizabeth Taylor collection),
只好用口香糖的包裝紙做了個手作戒指送給Kurt, 據說Kurt很高興又感動!

你知道伊麗莎白泰勒的那些珍寶要多少錢嗎? 天價啊!!!!
然後粉絲就針對TV Live裡面的"financial issues"作猜測,Blaine家到底有沒有錢,
我是覺得Anderson家真的很有錢 (在美國讀私校很貴的欸),可是安爸不給安大少爺錢買,
突然想起,Hummel家的財力也是深不見底, Kurt身上的衣服隨便都要兩三百美元欸!!!


我好喜歡黑白特集-- Klaine的婚後居家生活 & 好朋友來過聖誕!!

好吧~ 脾氣發完了!!
除了被刪掉的 klaine box 和 Santana的"Santa baby"(下週官方會在網路上釋出--已更新)
這集還蠻溫馨和歡樂的, 就是傳送聖誕精神啦!!!
我很喜歡Artie導演的那段黑白節目, 我是抱著肚子笑個不停,
除了歌曲好聽, 還有好多的 Kurt and Blaine (好滿足)
我發現 Chris果然是實力派, 不僅是內心戲,


All I Want For Christmas Is You (Glee Cast Version) (在YouTube上看)


↓ 這一段男生在更衣室的場景雖然很短但很好笑, Kurt承認打小報告也很爆笑^///^


* Arite, 雖然你不讓 Kurt演Tony, 我還是決定原諒你了!因為你的因素,完滿了所有的 Klainers~
讓 Klaine在3x05滾上床, 又讓 Klaine在3x09於螢幕上公開婚後居家生活,



Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Blaine,Rachel) HQ高品質

↑ Rachel, 快把你的手從Blaine身上拿開 >"<


↑↓ Blaine,你這句話是對Kurt說的, 對吧! (好喜歡Kurt這個笑容, 看起來好幸福喔~)

↑ Rachel,不准妳和Blaine靠那麼近!!! 這一段我看得真是怒火中燒,人家Blaine明明是Gay,我到底是在氣什麼, 我的CrissColfer情結又上了, 一看到Blaine和Rachel在樹下追逐, 又摸肩又摟腰的,真是夠了 >///< 你們兩個都給我回去找自己的男朋友唱情歌!!! 這一集 Blaine對Rachel比對Kurt還深情款款 (唉), 不管Blaine是不是Darren上身了, DC/Blaine 都只准對 CC/Kurt 含情脈脈!! 你是聽到沒 ~"~


Let It Snow (Blaine,Kurt) HQ高品質


↑ Kurt, 你就不會說那是 "My husband"嗎? 不然 "My Boyfriend"也好啊! 你看你把Blaine弄得多失望 >"<

↑ Blaine這個表情有夠天真無邪, 可愛啦 >/////<


My Favorite Things (Rachel,Mercedes,Kurt,Blaine) HQ高品質


* Klaine in "My Favourite Things" ( 好可愛的一首歌, CC的聲音好甜)

↓ Kurt,請你多多用這種含情脈脈的眼神看 Blaine



Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (Finn,Puck) HQ高品質


↓ 絕地武士和船長 (多虧Puck嗆Kurt去Dalton, Klaine這對小情侶還得謝謝Puck呢)


Darren發了推(片場拍的), 終於有CC和DC合照了 (非常稀有, 趕快收藏起來, 珍貴唷)



Christmas Wrapping (Brittany) HQ高品質



Do They Know It's Christmas? (Glee Cast Version) (在YouTube上看)


 Glee Cast - Santa Baby (Glee Cast Version) (在YouTube上看)

↑ 這一段也好讚,竟然也被FOX剪了 >"<


 幕後花絮 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


GLEE - Behind the Scenes: "Extraordinary Merry Christmas" (在YouTube上看)


DARREN: The holidays are a great time, I think it’s the most romantic time of the year. The family and the friends and getting close to the ones that you love. I just enjoy the holidays.


GLEE - A Moment of Glee: Zach Woodlee & Chris Colfer Present...Revolving Mirrors

↑ 這是3x03拍攝期間的花絮(看戲服就知道),12月15日 Glee才於網路上釋出(在YouTube上看)



 A Holiday Moment with Glee: Chris Colfer on singing "Let It Snow" (在YouTube上看)

↑ Chris說"Let It Snow"有多難唱 (我承認, 我聽不太懂欸? 有人能告訴我嗎? 英聽能力太爛了我)


* Klaine時刻~


GLEE - Sneak Peek: "Do They Know It's Christmas?" (在YouTube上看)






*** 下面這部分是開播之前收集的據透, 部分影片移至上面了唷 ***

 本集表演的曲目(更新至2011.12.18.)  所有的聖誕CD專輯曲目都貼出試聽連結了, 請下移尋找
* Blue Christmas (Rory) (在YouTube上聽
* Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Blaine & Rachel) (在YouTube上聽
* Let It Snow (Blaine & Kurt) (在YouTube上聽
* All I want for Christmas is You (Mercedes) (在YouTube上聽
* River (Rachel) (在YouTube上聽
* Do They Know It's Christmas (New Directions) (在YouTube上聽
* Santa Baby' Featuring Naya Rivera (Santana) (在YouTube上聽)
* Christmas Wrapping (Brittany) (在YouTube上聽
* My Favorite Things (Rachel,Mercedes,Kurt,Blaine) (在YouTube上聽)
* Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (Finn,Puck) (在YouTube上聽)





* 專輯CD上沒有收錄的新單曲: 
* My Favorite Things (Rachel,Mercedes,Kurt,Blaine) (在YouTube上聽)







  Glee 3x09 - "Extraordinary Merry Christmas" Promo (HD) (在YouTube上看)



↑ 大家都在猜 Blaine 和 Kurt 在唱 "Let It Snow"


↑ 大家在猜 Blaine 送給 Kurt 的禮物是不是戒指? 我猜是 "別針", Kurt很喜歡別針~ 他最常戴的是 "河馬","剪刀"這兩個 ^///^




Fox 官方消息 3x09 將是 Glee的聖誕特集於 12月13日播出, (11月10日開始拍攝,11月24日拍完)

* Fox 官方消息 (From)
New Directions被要求在同一時間進行兩件完全不同性質的事件,他們面臨艱難的選擇,是該散播聖誕精神,還是一展抱負.
When New Directions is asked to perform at two different events on the same day, at the same time they have a tough decision to make. Will they choose correctly and spread Christmas cheer, or will their ambition get the best of them? All this and more in the all-new “Extraordinary Merry Christmas” episode

聖誕特集的導演是 Matthew Morrison, 沒錯, 就是Glee的鞋老師 Will 喔~


  整理一下到目前的劇透: ( 至 2011.11.27.)
- Santana, Mercedes and Brittany are back in New Directions (下面有全員到齊在練唱教室拍攝的圖片)
- Sam is back in the New Directions, and in McKinley High. (一樣是有圖為證)
- Rory experiences a bout of homesickness for his native Ireland. (From)  
- Rory has a storyline throughout the whole episode that will resonate with many kids and teens. (From)
- Rory 'grows up' in this episode. (From)
- Artie has a dream of the Star Wars Holiday Special, including an appearance by Chewbacca himself! (下面有一大堆圖)
- 背景有雪的舞台+單人高腳椅(演唱用的吧?) 誰會坐在上面? (Will還是Artie?) (下面有圖)
- 有教室和練唱是的場景 (下面有圖)
- Damian filmed a scene with Chord. (From)   
- There's a sweet Finchel scene. (From
- Chris, Harry and Kevin filmed a scene in the McKinley Locker Rooms.(上面鞋老師導演的那張圖)
- Rachel, Kurt, Finn & Blaine will have a scene together.這四個人到現在好像都還沒有對手戲(以後會是一家人耶) (From)  
- Chord tweeted he had a scene with Jane and Dianna. (From)  
- Lea confirmed that Rachel has a solo. (From
- Damian as Rory will be singing Blue Christmas by Elvis. (From
- Lea confirmed they filmed a group number (From)  ** and later tweeted that it was for the Christmas episode. (From
- Lea filmed a scene with Cory, Chord and Damian. (From)
- Lea confirmed another number was shot, which there are lots of children participated in it. (From
- Chord filmed a 'great' scene with Lea and Damian. (From)  


 Artie 的星戰夢 (Star Wars Holiday Special)
Artie has a dream of the Star Wars Holiday Special, including an appearance by Chewbacca himself! (From

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↓ 最高興的應該是 Chris ( 他說要把這張當成他的聖誕卡)

↓ 之前拍攝 2x22, Chris就揹著他的 Chewbacca backpack上紐約唷~






The Christmas Album Volume 2 / 完整曲目
1. 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' Featuring Amber Riley (Mercedes) (在YouTube上聽
2. 'Extraordinary Merry Christmas' Featuring Darren Criss (Blaine) and Lea Michele (Rachel) (在YouTube上聽)
3. 'Santa Baby' Featuring Naya Rivera (Santana) (在YouTube上聽)
4. 'Christmas Eve With You' Featuring Jayma Mays (Emma) and Mathew Morrison (Will) (在YouTube上聽)
5. 'Little Drummer Boy' Featuring Kevin McHale (Artie) (在YouTube上聽)
6. 'River' Featuring Lea Michele (Rachel) (在YouTube上聽)
7. 'Do You Hear What I Hear?' Featuring Lindsay Pearce and Alex Newell ('Glee Project') (在YouTube上聽
8. 'Let It Snow' Featuring Darren Criss (Blaine) and Chris Colfer (Kurt) (在YouTube上聽
9. 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town' Featuring Mark Sailing (Puck), Cory Monteith (Finn) and Samuel Larsen ('Glee Project') (在YouTube上聽
10. 'Christmas Wrapping' Featuring Heather Morris (Brittany) (在YouTube上聽
11. 'Blue Christmas' Featuring Damian McGinty (Rory) (在YouTube上聽
12. 'Do They Know It's Christmas' Featuring Cory Monteith (Finn), Amber Riley (Mercedes), Lea Michele (Rachel), Chris Colfer (Kurt), Kevin McHale (Artie), Heather Morris (Brittany), Mark Salling (Puck), Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina), Naya Rivera (Santana) (在YouTube上聽

CC 和 DC 要唱可愛甜蜜的 'Let It Snow'



New 'Glee' Christmas Album Will Feature Two Original Songs
Christmas is coming early for Gleeks! 'Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album Volume 2' will hit shelves Tues., Nov. 15.

The new 'Glee' Christmas record will feature two original songs, 'Extraordinary Merry Christmas' and 'Christmas Eve With You.'

'The Glee Project' contestants Lindsay Pearce and Alex Newell can be heard on 'Do You Hear What I Hear?' One of the season's winners Damian McGinty will be featured on 'Blue Christmas,' while fellow winner Samuel Larson can be heard on 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town.'

其實早在 9月, Lea就在推特說他們已經在錄製聖誕專輯了(好像Cory也發過推)


    創作者 mickey 的頭像

    GLEE / klaine / CrissColfer

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