

[ The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell ]
* 2012.7 17. 全球同步發行, 亞馬遜, 博客來, 金石堂現正預購中 *
隨著Chris 於 2012.6.6.現身在 BEA (BookExpo America 北美州最大型的年度書展)
為新書舉行簽書會, 以及與知名童書作家的 Children's Book & Author Breakfast 座談,
愈來愈多相關的訊息出現, "實體書"與"有聲書"的曝光,
讓人忍不住要讚賞這位才剛滿22歲的大孩子 !
很多, 一次整理不完, 我就慢慢更新好了 (2012.6.17.更新)


* The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell
* 作者: Chris Colfer
* 繪者: Brandon Dorman
* 分類: 青少年兒童奇幻小說 ,但是Chris說:"任何年齡都適合閱讀喔" (我想也是, 好厚一本欸)
* 發行日: 2012.7 17. 全球同步發行
* 故事大綱:
Bailey家的12歲雙胞胎姐弟(或是兄妹) Alex(女孩)與Conner, 由祖母(或外婆)那裡得到了一本有魔法的古老故事書, 因而進入到一個魔法童話世界, 他們必須與故事中的主角面對面, 像是白雪公主,灰姑娘..., 想要回家的唯一方法是蒐集到 8個東西,包括: 灰姑娘的玻璃鞋, 長髮公主的一搓頭髮....., 但大野狼,吃人的妖怪,和白雪公主的壞心後母,讓這段旅程充滿冒險....



 (2012.2.9) 插畫家 Brandon Dorman 在他的Blog發表了他的新作品TLOS封面 From: X 

* Brandon Dorman 說雖然他自己沒有看過 Glee, 但他非常喜歡為這本書繪製插圖及封面, 除了已經公佈的封面, 他還畫了25張黑白內頁插圖, 還有一張很酷很酷的地圖, 然後又簡單介紹了故事綱要.

Thought I would post a cover that I recently did for a new series. It’s called The Land of Stories, by Chris Colfer. He is the actor in the popular show Glee. Unfortunately I’ve not seen the show( sorry Chris! ), but I’ve loved working on the artwork for this book. Aside from the cover, I’ve done 25 interior black and white illos and am currently working on a super cool fold out map. The story introduces a great new twist on all of our favorite characters from storybook tales like Cinderella and Snow White.

Hope you like it!




 (2012.2.8) Chris上Jay Leno show, Jay問他 "你的小說是尖酸刻薄的童話故事嗎?) XDD


Chris Colfer on his upcoming young adult series, The Land of Stories
“No, no, no. The book is about a brother and sister—they're twins, Conner and Alex—and they inherit a magic storybook from their grandmother and travel into the fairytale world.”

PS: 我記起來了, 這是Chris說在金球獎紅毯見到海倫娜, 然後他像個fanboy大聲尖叫的那段專訪, 好像是在 2012.1.30.那天的Jay Leno show, 電腦裡有, 但YouTube上找沒有了 =///= 



 (2012.1.18) Chris推 他說這是本小說是為年輕讀者而寫, 但是任何年齡都適合閱讀 ^^




 (2012.1.17.) Chris推 預告書封 1月中旬會公佈, 還說自己的書不會光溜溜了 XDD

* 結果.... 隔天, 書封就公佈了  >///< (下面)



 (2012.1.18.) EW獨家 (From X , 有圖)

* 書封首次曝光, 而且將原本預定的發行日2012.8.7. 提早為 2012.7.17. 出版商說這是因為 Chris的寫作天分與極高的效率, 加上殷殷期盼的廣大粉絲, 所以做出提早發行的決定. 這篇EW獨家也首次揭露這部魔法故事的大綱. Chris說 "插畫家讓故事裡的每個細節甦醒過來, 他(繪者)讓我(Chris)小時候用蠟筆和色鉛筆畫的(封面)活了起來. (其實我不太確定翻的對不對欸? 總覺得沒抓到CC說的那句話當中的精髓 =.="

* Chris Colfer's children's book 'The Land of Stories' gets a cover and an earlier release date! -- EXCLUSIVE

Gleeks already know that Chris Colfer can take us to magical places with his voice, and now he’s using words and pictures to create a fantasy world in his upcoming children’s book The Land of Stories, illustrated by Brandon Dorman. Kurt fans who’ve been anxiously awaiting the book, originally slated for an Aug. 7 release, won’t have to wait as long as they’d thought. A rep for Little Brown said, “Chris’s writing talents, his efficiency with deadlines, and the eagerness from his fans has all combined to allow us to move the date up to July 17th!

Described as a “modern-day fairy tale,” the book will focus on twins Alex and Conner, who leave the real world behind and find themselves in a land where they come face-to-face with the fairy-tale characters — witches, goblins, trolls — they’ve always read about. Colfer says the book's illustrator “made every detail come to life. He went above and beyond the crayon and colored pencil drawings I used to make of it as a kid.”  



 (2012.1.18) Chris推 說他的書封公佈囉~ 他覺得像是他的孩子第一天上學一樣 ^_^



* Glee的好朋友們祝賀Chris的新書 ~  ( 點圖放大 )





* 奇怪欸, 你!  Darren, 你是不會表示一下齁  >///< 

* Darren : I'm so proud of you, Honey



 (2011.10.3.)  The 2011 New Yorker Festival  ( video, 我再找找看 )

* CC說當他七歲的時候, 因為他的妹妹患有非常罕見的癲癇, 對妹妹及全家人都是艱難的處境, CC有一本古老的故事書, 是從他媽媽那裡得來的, 而他媽媽是從她媽媽那裡得來的 (就外婆呀 =.= ), 他記得在那段時期, 為了逃離現時生活的艱難, 他常讓自己沉浸在故事中, 跟自己想像的雙胞胎小主人翁在故事裡冒險, 他承諾自己, 如果將來有機會他一定會把這個故事寫寫進書裡.

- Chris Colfer (about The Land of Stories, the children's book series he is writing)
“When I was seven years old, my younger sister Hannah was diagnosed with a very, very rare form of epilepsy and it was very, very, very hard on her and our family. And I had this old book of fairy tales that my mom had been given by her mom… And I'll never forget it because you open the pages and all the illustrations and stuff were actual pictures of dolls in screened form of whatever the story was they were describing.

And I remember in that moment never wanting an escape more, ever. I just wanted to literally dive into the book. And I then came up with the story about these two twins that went into a fairy tale world and all these adventures they had and they were adventures that I wanted to experience rather than what I was going through. And I promised myself then that if I ever had the opportunity to write it and make it into a book that I would.”



 (2011.9.15.) 專訪 (From X , 全文 X )

Chris Colfer, on if he gets writer's block. 作家的寫作瓶頸
Chris在寫作的過程中, 領悟到編劇和寫小說的不同之處, 而將想像化為文字是最難的部分

Q: Do you ever get writer's block?

Chris: I do. Actually I'm sitting on my bed with my computer open. I don't have writer's block in the sense that I know what the story is, I know who the characters are, I know what they look like, I know what's going to happen. Just putting it to words is a problem that I have. Screenwriting and novel writing are so completely different — and I never assumed that they wouldn't be — but I noticed writing a novel, it's like right before you take a trip, and then you get there and it looks completely different than how you imagined and then it's the same. That's how writing is. I've always seen things visually but describing it is the hard part.



 (2011.9.12.) 2011 Fox Fall Eco-Casino Party  ( 咦 ? 我怎麼不知道有這個派對? )

 Chris Colfer of "Glee" at Fox ECO Party (在YouTube上看)
↑ Chris at the Fox Eco-Casino Party, talking about music, The Land of Stories, etc. 



 (2011.8.25.) X   Chris提到他是因為何種機緣得到出版商的支持.

Interviewer: Speaking of books, you are writing one right now. How far along are you in the process?

Chris: I'm getting there! I was up pretty late last night writing the 10th chapter, which is 9,000 words, but I'm sure once the publishers get a hold of it they're going to make me split it or shorten it. I'm really having a blast with it, and every single time I finish a chapter I'm just so happy and fulfilled and accomplished. The book has been something I wanted to do since I was 7 or 8 when I first came up with the idea in my head. I'm on cloud nine.

Interviewer: Did you pitch the books or were you approached by the publisher?

Chris: It was on the verge of "Glee"'s success and Kurt being an inspiration, and people looking up to me as a role model. I was approached by a lot of people wanting me to do an autobiography. I said, "Thank you, but no thank you, I'm 20!" I don't want to do an autobiography when I'm 20. I never wanted to be looked at that way. Maybe when I'm 25. (Laughs) But I told them I've always wanted to do this children's fantasy series. So they said send us what you have, and I wrote the first 5 chapters and the prologue, sent that out and got a two books deal with Little Brown.




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    GLEE / klaine / CrissColfer

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