西城故事選角繼續 Mercedes試唱,Mike的 Asian得了個 F
Mike 和 Emma 的首次父母登場 + Finn要做出選擇 (女友?還是弟弟?)
Mike有獨唱了 + Brittany 也要選學生會主席 + 那束花是...送的
搶先看專訪 + 最新預告 + 表演曲目完整試聽 + Run the World 影片 (2011.10.4.更新)


* Cool ( Mike ) 在YouTube上聽 ( Mike 的第一首獨唱喔)

* It's All Over (Mercedes, Will, Santana, Finn, Kurt, Mike) 在YouTube上聽

* Out Here On My Own (Rachel & Mercedes) 在YouTube上聽

* Run the World(Girls) (Brittany) 在YouTube上聽

* Spotlight (Mercedes) 在YouTube上聽

* Fix You ( Will )  在YouTube上聽


 Glee - Run The World (Girls) - FULL Scene ( 姐姐妹妹的票都被Brittany搶走了, Kurt 很難勝出囉~)  


 GLEE - First Look: "Asian F"*( 2011.10.4.搶先看專訪-更新)

↑ 專訪 Cory, Darren, Amber, Chris, 還有Brittany跳Run the World(Girls)的片段 (我喜歡這首歌的場面)

  ↓ 這束花...真相大白了 ^///^


 GLEE - Promo from "Asian F" airing 10/4


 GLEE - Sneak Peak: "Asian F" airing TUE 10/4


 Glee 3x03 - "Asian F" Promo #2 (HD)



 Klaine 時刻 ( 媒體在推特上這麼說) 就是那束花

Question: Can you elaborate on the “light PDA” Kurt/Blaine share in “Asian F”?
   Ausiello: There’s body contact, but no kissing.


 關於這束花, 是...Kurt 送給 Blaine , 然後某人傾身向前, 但人太多了...

 more from that GMMR podcast…(From)
Kurt gives Blaine the flowers and is like “You're a shoo-in! I'm so happy for you!” and then (it's two people in the podcast and they disagree over who does this) one goes to kiss the other and they back away because of where they are.

Then they talk about how that scene kind of redeemed Kurt after I Am Unicorn and it was odd how at the end of Asian F, when Blaine gets Tony and he’s celebrating and he goes to hug Kurt, Kurt has a weird jealous look on his face.
That’s pretty much all they said!

  ↓ 可是我們都希望他們能夠比這樣再靠近一點 (Fans改圖夠強大) 


They are the cutest… (From)
Kurt, Blaine, flowers…those boys are the cutest thing going.
One tiny spoilerish teaser for you…
Despite how the last episode ended, don’t worry about the fallout. Those boys are crazy about each other.




 媒體發了個推, 說Finn要在女友和弟弟之間做選擇 ( 有人就問是什麼意思, 媒體在下面的文章回答囉)


 Ask Ausiello: Asian F  ( From )
Question: Can you elaborate on your tweet about Finn having to choose between Rachel and Kurt in “Asian F”?
Ausiello: Let’s just say that Rachel makes a controversial decision in the episode that pits her squarely against Kurt — much to Finn’s dismay.

Question: To me it looks like Mercedes is the big selfish Diva. She’s admitted to never rehearsing, doesn’t want to learn to dance, and yet she still wants the spotlight. Do they touch on this in “Asian F” or do they go straight to slamming Rachel, even though she actually works really hard to earn the solos and roles she gets?
Ausiello: Mercedes’ diva-tude is more than addressed. In fact, her antics are the catalyst for one of the episode’s big musical numbers. (Hint: Think Dreamgirls.)

Question: Can you elaborate on the “light PDA” Kurt/Blaine share in “Asian F”? 
Ausiello: There’s body contact, but no kissing.

Question: Any word on if Brittany and Santana will finally become an official couple? 
Ausiello: No word, but I can tell you that there are two cute/funny Brittana scenes (one bitchy, the other celebratory) next week. Personally, I’m ecstatic that these two are back to being BFFs with occasional bennies. All of that relationship sturm und drang last season was sucking the fun out of them. There, I said it.



 根據 上面 那篇和 下面 那篇, 粉絲歸那出關於 Klaine 的部分  (From) 包括那束花, 西城故事的Tony, Kurt的心情
so everyone needs to listen to thetvtalkpodcast.com's podcast
Because they've seen Asian F and they’re talking about how:

* Kurt/Blaine goes to kiss the other during the flower scene and the other pulls back because there's people near them on the stairs.

* Kurt has a weird jealous look on his face when Blaine goes to hug him at the end.

* They confirmed Blaine gets Tony.  ( 都不知道要有什麼感覺了, 喜也不是, 悲也不是. 雖然早有預料...唉)   

At least they're going to hint at the PDA thing! I also wonder if they'll both sort of laugh/shrug it off in a sad way, or if it's meant to create more tension for them - but not between them, just as a gay couple?
Just be Tuesday already!!



 GLEE SPOILERS: “Asian F” Teasers ( From)
Two words – Mike Chang.
Yes, the man formerly known as “Other Asian” is coming out in a big way in next week’s episode of GLEE. (Oh calm yourself Klaine fans, I didn’t mean coming out in that way.)
I got an early look at next week’s episode of GLEE entitled “Asian F”. I thought I would share a few teasers to hold you over until Tuesday. I feel like I’ve seen so many spoilers out there already that I’m not sure if much of anything I have to say will be new, but I figure it will be for some, right?
As always, a reminder that I’m teasing and not spoiling. Not to say you won’t be spoiled, so stay away if you would rather not know anything…which despite this post I would encourage you all to do. Don’t read any further and just wait to see the ep for yourself on Tuesday.
But for those of you who need a fix, here we go…
 ■ It’s Friday, so by now I’m assuming most of you have heard most of the music from next Tuesday’s episode. If not, they are definitely available to check out online.  Lots of music in this week’s ep, especially given that we only got three songs last week.  I can’t say I was overly ecstatic about any of the musical numbers. The powerhouse diva off between Rachel and Mercedes is great, but I’ve heard them better together in the past. Maybe it’s just me.

 ■ Mike Chang Jr. has his own solo this week. Just Mike singing and no one else…and it’s great. The perfect song for Harry Shum Jr. Not only that, he has a featured solo in another group number. Besides showing off his singing talents, we obviously get to see him beautiful dance moves. More than we ever have before…probably much to the dismay of his father. Go MIKE!

 ■ I feel like I should hide underground somewhere after saying this, but one of the group numbers features what I think is the single worst Kurt Hummel/Chris Colfer moment in the history of GLEE. I love all things Colfer, but I have to be honest and say it made me absolutely cringe. It just wasn’t right in any aspect.  The same group number was one of the weaker GLEE musical moments ever, in my humble opinion. It wasn’t “Run Joey Run” but it didn’t work for me.  Yet others who have seen the show loved it, so there.

 ■ This week we’re going to see some classic S1 Rachel Berry bulls#!t. Kurt calls her out on her behavior, and in a lesser way, so does Finn.  Expect some Finchel tension. Don’t start burning down Ryan Murphy’s house just yet (besides the “Junior Blainers” probably still have that blaze in full swing). Despite their tiff, I don’t think this is cause for panic by any means. But don’t expect things to be resolved by the end of the episode.

 ■ We’re going to meet Emma’s parents. And sadly the majority of you watching won’t even recognize her dad as Ralph Malph. This breaks my heart. While one aspect of her parents’ visit makes for a great bit of story (including Will sticking up for his lady in a kind of awesome way), the other part of her parent’s arc is so annoyingly foolish. I think the writers were trying to be really cute, but for me it didn’t work and it just came off as lame.

 ■ If you listen to the NEW! TV Talk Podcast you’ll hear me say this there too, but I don’t know if I’m ever going to be able to see Mercedes in the same way after this episode.  Not sure what they could possibly do to redeem her in my eyes.  I really wanted nothing to do with her by the end of the episode. Oh Mercedes!

 ■ The ever-revolving door of New Directions is back as a plot device. It’s like tag team wrestling over there. Or better yet, perhaps PROJECT RUNWAY – “One day you’re in, and the next day you’re out.” So who is out this week? I bet you can guess.

 ■ The cast list of “West Side Story” is revealed. Well kind of.  WSS has a huge cast, but the only list that goes up are for the parts landed by the ND kids. Not everyone is happy about the role they landed…including the lady who landed the part of Maria.

 ■ Despite last week’s emotional ending, Kurt and Blaine seem to be doing ok. I wanted to squash their adorableness. Can’t stand how cute they are! Since I know it’s been on everyone’s mind, I will tell you that Kurt does something sweet for the younger man in his life.  As Blaine tells him “You always zig when I think you’re about to zag.“( …in bed!  Oh, I’m kidding about that last part!) More on this particular scene is discussed in our podcast. Too much to go in to here, but Dan and I saw a tiny little element of the Klaine scene a bit differently this week.

 ■ For those of you who are Darren Criss fans, don’t get your hopes up about seeing too much of Harry Freakin’ Potter this week. DC was in NYC filming “Imogene” with his on-screen love interest, Kristin Wiig, for most of this episode. You’ll see him lurking in this background from time to time, but noticeably absent from some New Directions gatherings.

 ■ Despite a heavy Quinn/Puck/Shelby episode this week, don’t expect much from any of them. Oh GLEE.

 ■ I was kind of rough on Kurt last week in my “I Am Unicorn” recap, but this week I felt for him a bit more. Seems every time he turns around, he’s competing against someone he cares about.  This week another one of his friends enters the shark infested political waters of the McKinley High presidential race.

 ■ Brittany S. Pierce is hot! (Not a teaser, a fact!)



 New spoilers for 303 ( From ) 歸納整理的還不錯, 都是重點部分.
Finn is trying to be a supportive boyfriend to Rachel, but is conflicted cause he feels she’s wrong.

Kurt does give Blaine flowers, only some of what they talk about is relevant, scene not really a big deal

Santana returns to ND it’s not made to be a big deal and done very casually

Kurt makes a stance for his campaign, some of ND agree other don’t

Brittney’s Run The World (Girls) is her campaign

Will sings Fix You to Emma, it starts off with her just singing, leads into a bigger score/scene

There’s a reason why in It’s All Over they refer to Mercedes as “Effie”

There’s a big cliffhanger at the end of the episode, it does not have anything to do with the election

Kurt and Brittney have a lot at stake in the election and are sensitive to anything that could hurt their chances of winning

Kurt has three scenes that are “his”

Santana is involved with Brittney’s RTW(G) number and another storyline

The Kurt/Rachel scene does end in a harsh way but is open to recouncil

Figgins opposes Tina

The campaign is the 5th biggest issue/storyline in the episode after Rachel vs Mercedes, the play at large, Mike, Emma, and their parents, there is more development then just Brittney running

Five parts for WSS are cast, but only three are highlighted in the auditions

There’s no significant conflict between Kurt and Blaine in the episode

No Quinn/Beth/Shelby development in this episode

You see that the parents in question are responsible for why their kids are the way they are. Emma’s parents are more outrageous then Mike’s

Mike’s situation draws a parallel to a pivotal scene involving one of the other kids and their parent(s)

Will and Emma keep a boxes full of magazines, Emma’s are “awww” Will’s are “ewww”

Shelby’s only scene pertain to her own glee club

Only glimpses of young!Emma

Cast list for WSS is posted but by the end you have an idea of who gets the major parts

The problem a lot of people have with Mercedes comes before the Diva-Off

Brittney’s campaign message appeals to some of the ND kids more then Kurt’s

Anita is one of the parts that is cast

Rachel being afraid of Mercedes being better then her is not the only reason she’s scared, Mercedes makes a very good point, something Rachel probably hasn’t considered but will in her quest to become more famous

Minor Sue

Rachel shows more vulnerability and humility then she has before but also becomes more self-obsessed with puts a strain on her relationship with Kurt and makes it hard for Finn to support her

There’s a Booty Camp scene that becomes a big group number

The Brittana scene is connected to the campaign and features them squaring off with Rachel and Kurt



Glee 3x03 “Asian F” Character SPOILERS   ( 角色的重點整理 )   
( From / Tumblr)
* Kurt
Is definitely hiding his true feelings regarding West Side Story from Blaine. I wonder when the truth will reveal itself…

* Blaine
Everything seems to be chipper for this McKinley transfer student.

* Finn
Has a tough conversation with Rachel towards the end, and I really feel sorry for him.

* Rachel
Has a “Maria-off” with Mercedes and ruins more than a few relationships in the process.

* Mike
Four for you Mike Chang. You go Mike Chang. Seriously though, a few scenes in the dance rehearsal room at McKinley make me tear up, especially one featuring Mike and his mother. Harry Shum, Jr. is a hidden gem, and they really need to let him into the spotlight more often.

* Mercedes
Has a very significant role in this episode. I’ve seen other people who have screened this episode (and spoiler seekers) say that Mercedes is kind of a bitch in this episode, but I don’t see it that way. If you really listen to what she’s saying and think about what she’s doing…it makes perfect sense. I really feel sorry for her, but at least she has Shane (LaMarcus Tinker) on her side.

* Brittany
Run the World (Girls) is one of the best scenes of the episode. It’s so high-powered and energetic, I wanted to get up and dance with them. It’s Brittany at her finest. She also shows up at booty camp, and the reason why made me smile.

* Santana
Like Ausiello said, she has a good scene where she lays a verbal smackdown on Kurt and it’s classic Santana. In addition, her actions in other scenes make me believe that she’s not even close to giving up on a romantic relationship with Brittany - and might even be close to coming out of the closet (at least to a few more people, if not the entire school.)

* Tina
Plays a major supporting role within Mike’s storyline, and we also find out that Figgins still believes that she’s an actual vampire.

* Mr. Schue
Is actually likeable in this episode. He and Emma make a fantastic couple, and his reaction to her parents proves it.

* Emma
Her parents are fantastic…if you’re into psychological torture. Jayma Mays shines in this episode, her lines are some of the funniest and I really feel sorry for Emma by the end.









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