
觀後心得碎碎念 舞會特集 全集曲目 演出片段
在舞會上的那兩個人到底是 "Klaine"? 還是 "CrissColfer"?


 第三季第19集 Prom-asaurus, 將於 2012.5.8.晚間在美首播

 * 概要: 本集主題就是高年級舞會Prom特集

* 今年當選"舞會國王和皇后"的人是誰: 點這裡 (大雷 請慎入,並請不要於播出前在留言中提及)

 本集曲目(官方版) (2012.5.5.更新)
* Dinosaur ( Brittany + 啦啦隊員) 在YouTube上聽
* Take My Breath Away ( Quinn, Santana ) 在YouTube上聽
* What Makes You Beautiful (Joe, Rory, Artie, Mike, Sam) 在YouTube上聽
* Big Girls Don't Cry ( Rachel, Kurt, Blaine) 在YouTube上聽
* Love You Like a Love Song ( Santana, Brittany, Tina) 在YouTube上聽

 要大推一下 "Big Girls Don't Cry"  
這首歌根本是為 Rachel + Kurt, 和 Kurt + Blaine 這兩個組合量身設定的嘛~
一首讓人心裡又暖又悲傷的歌曲, 充滿濃濃的友誼愛意,
尤其當中有一段是 Kurt和Blaine的對唱, 超適合他們此刻的心境,
只希望不要在最後的演出中被剪掉 >///< (啟動祈禱全開模式~~~)
我在下面貼了歌詞 ^_^

P.S: 我很喜歡這個粉絲對這首歌的小評論 (於我心有戚戚焉)
I think that what's going to happen is it's Blaine and Rachel saying goodbye to Kurt (Blaine as boyfriend, Rachel as best friend), and they're trying not to cry. Because Kurt's going to NY, while Blaine will still be in Ohio and Rachel doesn't know what she will do. I think it's a good plot line song. 



這一集我看得是既開心激動, 又忿忿不平 (這兩種心情同時存在,但一點都不衝突)
因為.....竟然把我最期待的 "Big Girls Don't Cry" 拍成這樣, 剪成這般,
我都氣到不知道該說什麼 >"<


* "Big Girls Don't Cry" + 完整對話 ( 三人的對話其實很好笑的喲 ^///^ )
↑ 因為太生氣了, 所以把三個同是天涯淪落人的心情對談也剪了進去~
Kurt說不想去舞會, Blaine說Kurt非去不可, 因為前任皇后要交接,Rachel也附和著Blaine笑了,
Blaine則說他的頭髮要是沒用髮膠做造型, 會很嚇人, 然後Kurt和Rachel也笑了,
3:10 還可以聽到Chris很可愛的笑聲 XDD
雖然歌被剪得亂七八糟, 但這三個超級好麻吉的友誼卻讓人心情暖暖的.
可不可以讓這三個人都一起去紐約 ~~~
對了, 影片中副歌的部份 Chris是獨唱, 可以清楚聽到他清亮的歌聲唷 ^_^

Damn~ 又一首變成Rachel心情的歌曲, 在看的時候, 我還以為我這集下載的不完整,
反覆看了幾遍, WTF ~ 這首歌要詮釋的友誼與愛情呢?
最重要的 "Rachel + Kurt", 和 "Kurt + Blaine" 這兩個組合的心情感受呢?
通通都沒了 !!!!! 我氣到都抖了 >"<
還是去聽完整版歌曲, 再腦補片段比較不讓人傷心~


* 有心理障礙的三個好麻吉 ~ medusa !!(蛇髮女妖~梅杜莎), Blaine,你快把我笑死了 XDD



↑ Kurt 超怕自己又被選上, Blaine 不敢頂著捲毛頭去舞會, Rachel不要看到未婚夫和Quinn成為國王和皇后 ~ 

* 舞會~ 我只想看 Kurt和Blaine, 頭髮亂糟糟的Blaine ^_^
與其說那是 "頭髮亂糟糟的Blaine"
我還比較相信那根本就是 "現實中的Darren本人"
那對 puppy eyes, 那頭蓬鬆捲髮, 忍不住讓人多愛他一些,
難怪 Kurt要說
I want everyone here to know just how proud I am of my brave, handsome, bushy haired boyfriend.

最棒的是, Darren !!!
我愛Darren把 "Blaine有多喜歡Kurt" 用行動加在每一場和Kurt的互動中,
即使是微小的動作, 不經意的眼神 !!!
我相信在Darren的心裡, Blaine永遠比在編劇及導演的認知中更愛Kurt,
所以, 他會在Kurt試唱成功後, 對著仍在台上的男友送飛吻,
所以, 他會在共舞時將雙唇吻上男友的頸窩,

* I swear I saw Darren open his mouth......

↑ 就是這張圖, 不知道讓多少人的CrissColfer和Klaine病情加重 XDDD

我始終覺得, 那是 Darren,
披著Blaine外衣, 骨子裡其實是Darren, Darren在演他自己,
還是Darren根本就是個 "CrissColfer" >////<
Chris,你不能老是閃閃躲躲的, 人家Darren都已經三番兩次表現的這麼明顯了~
你好歹也要讓自己上一下Kurt的身, 回應一下Darren呀 >///<

對了, Chris最近也回了一個推, 他的回答讓我幾乎要跳起來大叫,

* 有粉絲問他是怎麼暱稱他最近養的寵物貓....

↑ 看到沒, "BRAIN" !!!!, 跟 "BLAIN" 念起來是極為相似的音~ 我可不可以拜託, "你們兩個乾脆住在一起好了" !!!!!


 舞會中的 "Klaine & CrissColfer" 含旅館和舞會的部分(Full) 


* 竟然到旅館開房間了 XDDDD





* On My Dear God ~



* Kurt安慰Blaine, 說他要讓大家知道他的男朋友帥爆了 XDD



↑ Blaine的puppy eyes ^^ , Kurt還叫他"Borat" (一部電影, 主人翁Borat就是爆炸頭) Kurt, 你好壞呀 XDDD


* Kurt要上台交接了 ^_^"


* Kurt 害怕的事情 .... 舊事將重演(!!??)



 What Makes You Beautiful (HD) 

* 你們是不是忘記現在正在拍戲 XDDD


* 大家的舞會留影~




* 高中時期的Darren VS. 舞會中的Blaine ~

* 舞會對照圖 ~ 2x20 vs 3x19 ~


* Chris引領的風潮 -- "看窗外", 看看還有誰跟進 XDDD








 Glee 3x19 Promo 1 "Prom-asaurus" [HD] 在YouTube上看

 Glee 3x19 Promo 2 - Prom-asaurus 在YouTube上看

↑ 忍不注猜想, 這表情是Kurt看到Blaine把髮膠洗掉之後 XDDD 


 GLEE - Sneak Peek: "Prom-asaurus" 在YouTube上看


 What Makes You Beautiful (Full Performance) 在YouTube上看

↑ Brit是要Blaine去把髮膠洗掉嗎?  poor Blaine ~ 

↑ 洗掉髮膠之後的Blaine會不會自悲的跑走? 然後Kurt把他從走廊上追回來? 像是去年舞會時 Blaine把Kurt追回來一樣 (?) 

 Dinosaur (Brittany )



* 這集是高年級舞會Prom特集, 舞會主題是"恐龍", 是學生會長Brittany策劃的(還真像傻布的作風 XDD) 

* 進入決賽的三位準皇后是: Quinn Fabray, Missy Gunderson(不認識), Santana Lopez.

* Kurt和Blaine會一起出席舞會.如同Finn和Rachel.(我想看Kurt和Blaine slow dance ~) 

* Kurt和Blaine很顯然不希望再有上一次的舞會經驗, 所以為了避免舊事重演, 他們決定親自出馬做些不同的改變. 

* Quinn坐在輪椅上, Finn吼她"快給我站起來走啊!"(這是激將法嗎?), Sue出面阻止, Joe也護著小Q. (原來Sue是很疼小Q的說~)

* Kurt和Rachel在置物櫃前有一場感人對手戲, Lea說兩個人都哭哭哭, 還發了推說以後可不可以不要再讓這兩個人在置物櫃前哭了好嗎~ ( Lea的推 這裡+這裡)  


* 這是 Chris襯衫領口開的最低的一張照片, 但....但是...那件汗衫  (你就不能別穿了嗎? >///< )

 Big Girls Don't Cry ( Rachel, Kurt, Blaine) 歌詞 

( Rachel ):
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection, baby
To be with myself and center
Clarity, peace, serenity

( Kurt ) :
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do

( Blaine) :
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now

( Rachel, Kurt and Blaine ):
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

( Rachel ):
The path that I'm walkin', I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay

( Kurt ):
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do

( Rachel and Blaine ):
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry

( Kurt ):
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and Uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be mine Valentine

( Blaine and Kurt ):
Yes, you can hold my hand if you want to

( Blaine ):
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers
And share our secret worlds

( Rachel ):
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself, and center
Clarity, peace, serenity

( Kurt ):
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do

( Rachel and Blaine ):
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry




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