
Rachel 的親媽回來了!! 要成立新的合唱團表演音樂劇 ?
Kurt,Finn,Blaine要爭男主唱? Kurt參加試唱的歌曲是....
最新預告影片 + 官方劇照 + Blaine是 senior還是 junior? 答案揭曉 
第三集 表演曲目線上試聽完整版, Chris 玩命演出, 更多劇透





第三集 表演曲目可以聽了 , CC唱的好可愛喔 ^///^ (如果連結被砍,請留言告訴我)

* Something's Coming (Blaine Anderson) 在YouTube上聽 

* I'm the Greatest Star ( Kurt Hummel )  在YouTube上聽 

* Somewhere ( Rachel Berry & Shelby Corcoran) 在YouTube上聽

"Something's Coming" 與 "I'm the Greatest Star" 是 Blaine和 Kurt 分別為西城故事試唱的曲目."Somewhere"是Rachel和Shelby對唱 (Idina的歌聲好好聽)



* GLEE編劇三巨頭之一的Brad發了這個推 (看來,對於Blaine是Junior已經是無力挽回的事實了)


 新預告片截圖 ( Chris, 你好厲害喔 ) 




MORE 3X02 SPOILERS (I.E. LOL YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE CONFUSED BEFORE) 這一集應該是以 Kurt為中心, 所以會有很多 Kurt喔~ ( Blaine是Junior的打擊太大, 下面就不說明了,自己看吧, 除了Blaine的消息之外, 其他關於 Kurt的部分都很精彩) from: tumblr / gleeforum post

* How can Brittany help (or hurt) his campaign for student council? How does his auditioning for the role of Tony in West Side Story tie into that election? What are the unintended consequences of Blaine joining Kurt at WMHS?
* One Kurt-related thing I did like is that Burt is approaching him like a comfortable, confident, REAL dad—not like someone who has to walk on eggshells because he’s nervous about upsetting his gay son.
* The best part of one of the Kurt/Brittany scenes is the unintentional comedy that comes from Kurt trying to “fix” what Brittany’s doing wrong. 


One of the other people who screened the episode said something about Blaine being a good boyfriend. Is there something really obvious they were referring to?

If you know what they were talking about what was your feeling about whatever it is? Yes. There are two scenes that cement this idea. 

Blaine’s audition is his only time to shine. Otherwise, he’s just Kurt’s boyfriend. 

As for Kurt, no, there’s no specific reaction to Blaine being a junior—it’s treated as a given. 

One more thing, does Blaine interact with any of the other ND guys, like during booty camp? In the choir room scene in 301 Finn made a dig at him and the other guys didn’t seem to thrilled that he was joining ND. Does that seem to carry through this week or is it not even noted?

Not really. He’s not portrayed as a bad dancer (more just that he’s rusty), so he’s not a focal point of the booty camp lessons (that’s more Finn). 

You think exactly what the show wants you to think regarding Kurt. In terms of vocals, I like his performance on the song. With Blaine, it’s funny because you’re supposed to have this very specific reaction to his performance, and I’m not sure I had that reaction. But in terms of talent, he obviously shows a lot of it. 

Here’s a question I don’t think anyone’s asked yet: Is Blaine’s age brought up in this episode?

No. He just non-chalantly remarks that he’s a junior and Kurt’s a senior. 

So will Blaine get to see Kurt’s audition?

I’ll say that whether he does or not, Blaine’s opinion of Kurt’s audition (if he has one), is not a huge factor in this week’s episode. At least two characters that Kurt trusts have a bigger role than Blaine regarding how Kurt deals with the audition.

Blaine and Kurt have one scene together in the rehearsal room, are seen in the Booty Camp, and then there’s Blaine’s audition. But in terms of actual screen time, Kurt spends more time with Brittany than Blaine this week.

In that particular order?

Yes. Since it sounds like you’d probably care about this too, their “scene” in the rehearsal room is a separate, private conversation but it technically takes place during the early scene with all the NDs in that room.

Oh, one more question. You seemed to say Kurt will see Blaine’s audition, will Blaine see Kurt’s audition?

Not sure if I said that anywhere…?

You did [example]


just have a small question — would you know Kurt and Blaine were a couple if you’d only watched this episode?

Yes, but don’t necessarily take that to mean they do anything super-romantic.

By “specific reaction” that you think we were supposed to get from Blaine’s performance but you are not sure if you got it, you mean that we are supposed to think that his performance is less flashy and more leading man material than Kurt?

Won’t answer exactly, but you’re thinking about the right sort of thing. Your interpretation is a little bit different than mine, though. Sorry for being cryptic.

Will Kurt run up against any homophobia in the episode?

His identity/personality is a big part of this episode, but I wouldn’t say homophobia is the right word.

I have a quick question: We heard that Klaine is supposed to have a loving moment sometime in this episode, possibly in the choir room? Any details you could share with us on that?

Anything I would consider a “loving moment” would be subtle. Nothing overt and in-your-face, like “Candles,” for instance.

So does Quinn have the A plot and Kurt the B plot this episode?

In terms of actual substance, I’d say that’s fair. Like I said, while every Kurt-centric episode adds SOMETHING slightly new, a lot of what he deals with here has been addressed in at least one prior Kurt-centric episode. Quinn, meanwhile, gets some direction. But in terms of how it’s portrayed in the actual episode (ie, whose storylines climax where), it’s probably the other way around.

With the specific impression we are supposed to get - is it more about ‘passing’ and perhaps effeminophobia when it comes to Kurt? Or if you can’t answer that does this issue connect to his running for the class president too?

As mentioned, what happens to Kurt while auditioning will impact his run for student council. But the Blaine thing, at least in this episode, doesn’t have any extra impact on that.

Thanks so much for answering these questions! So is there maybe foreshadowing that happens.. or just something that doesn’t mean much, but they could make more out of it later on if they wanted to?

As I think has been made obvious by other spoiler posts, they’re definitely setting the wheels in motion for something with Blaine and Kurt. But much of Kurt’s conflict this week is independent of Blaine.

Does I’m The Greatest Star come before Kurt’s other solo? Thanks!


Kurt has TWO solos in this episode? I’m the Greatest Star and another?

Although I responded to that question, I didn’t actually mean for that to confirm he has two solos—I was responding to someone who seemed to know what else Kurt does this episode. There are definitely only three songs in this episode, if that helps.

What order are the songs in?

Rachel/Shelby, Kurt, Blaine

Does Blaine come up in Kurt and Brittany’s discussion about sexuality?

Not that I remember. The conversations they have are entirely about Kurt’s own understanding of his sexual identity. And, as I teased, Brittany has a throw-away line that will also make some people happy.

During his performance for Something’s Coming, is it just Blaine on stage? Without interruptions and all that.

Well, there’s a band, but it’s just his vocal performance.

This is probably too on the nose for you to answer, but I’m giving it a shot anyhow. Just want to know how far off I am in my guessing.. Does Kurt do something ie. a scene from WSS, kissing Brit, or just acting butch/like a romantic male lead in order to sway the directors in his favor for the play/to prove he can be the male lead?

Here’s the farthest I’ll go on this: If you’re *KURT* (that’s key), and you wanted to seal the deal about your qualification to play the lead in West Side Story, what might you do?

Kurt having one song, does not preclude him from additonally auditioning for the acting in WSS without a song, with just a scene?

(See above)

You are the second person who saw the episode to imply that Kurt had two solos then only to backtrack. My guess is since you said that there are only 3 songs is that Kurt sings the SAME song “I’m the Greatest Star” again (maybe as the climax) or maybe even “Something’s Coming” or “Somewhere” but in a less OTT and more appropriate way. Am I close or waaaay off?

It’s not any of those.

Is “I Am Unicorn” a specific reference to something in the episode (other than the picture of Brittany sporting a Unicorn horn that we already got) like “The Purple Piano Project” was? Is the phrase an actual element in the episode like the aforementioned was in the premiere?

There are indeed drawings involving unicorns, but the title is bigger than that—it ties into the theme of the episode and is directly or indirectly relevant to most of the storylines.

If I may speculate on the comment of the other reviewer re a Kurt we have never seen before vs your comment that we have seen him once before, are we going to see a callback to Kurt’s Pink Houses performance and look in S1? And is the convo between him and Brittany a callback to when he fooled around with her? This spec makes sense to me based on spoilers that Kurt typecasts himself. It can also explain the second song for Kurt which is was not released a la Pink House and lastly it explains the rehashing of a story for Kurt! Yes? No?

I’ll redirect you to my comment: think about how KURT might respond to some doubt about whether or not he’s qualified to play the male lead in west side story

 Well whatever Kurt does, are you able to tell us who is there to witness it?

Four people.

I’m just wondering how relevant Kurt’s second audition is to the episode. Is it a big point of build up from the previous discussions in the episode, or just a quick scene?

It’s not a throwaway. It sets the wheels in motion for how Kurt’s going to manage his identity and directly ties into his run for student council.

Because of the fans’ negative (to put it lightly) reaction to Blaine being a junior, is it absolutely set in stone? Like, could the writers, because of the uproar, change it again to make him a senior? Also, were their any reactions from the crowd you watched it with to this tidbit of information?

Saw it on my own. Based on the scene, there is 100% no honest way of going back—he’s a junior.

I realize that the episode doesn’t reveal who gets the role of Tony, but in your opinion, is the answer obvious from the way the episode is set up (whatever the answer may be), or is it open ended and could really go either way?

The answer wouldn’t have been 100% obvious either way, but I would have been more sure had I not heard that other people may get involved in upcoming episodes.

In terms of Blaine’s role in Kurt’s campaign, it isn’t a focus yet. For where they go with this storyline, it HAD to be Brittany taking on the big campaign manager role.




 Chris 為 GLEE 玩命演出 (小心啊~)
之前,CC發了兩個推 + 照片, 說他正在為GLEE練習這項表演. 看來應該就是這一集.
Chris 說: This is the next stunt I’m trying to convince the powers of Glee to let me do! Wish me luck

* 這真是在玩命 ( CC 在另一篇訪談還提到 "我現在回想, 當時真的應該要用安全帶, 雖然緊急救護都備齊了, 但是卻沒有綁安全帶" )

* 最早的推特應該是 CC在8月24日的這一則, 說正在拍的這個是他自己的點子
Chris說: I'm filming something very dangerous and possibly life threatening tomorrow for episode 3-02 of Glee...yes, it was my idea.


 GLEE Spoilers: “I Am Unicorn” Teasers
* 這段是說本集的三首曲目,包括 Kurt和 Blaine 為西城故事試唱的歌曲 (上面貼歌曲和試聽)
There are only three musical numbers in this week's episode.  I'm not going to name the songs here, but GLEE has already released all three tunes and they are available online if you’re interested in listening to them. I can tell you that the two solos are performed by Kurt and Blaine, during their auditions for ‘West Side Story’. The final song is a duet between Rachel and Shelby. While all three performances are spectacular, the Lea Michele/Idina Menzel song blew my bobbysocks right off! For me, it was one of the single best musical moments of GLEE to date.

* Shelby 回來了, 帶著她的女兒 Beth(大家應該都知道就是Quinn和Puck的女兒吧)
Shelby is back. And she has Beth with her (which really shouldn’t be spoiler to most given that she is her adoptive mother).  Shelby’s return has a direct impact on the behavior of Quinn and Puck. Dianna Agron and Mark Salling have some of their best scenes to date.

* Burt和 Kurt 父子會有一段真誠的對談, 這一段對手戲, 粉絲一定不會失望.
(太棒了, 我最愛這對父子的橋段)
To me there are a few things better than a Burt/Kurt heart-to-heart chat. If you dig this fantastic father/son relationship then you won’t be disappointed.

* 下面這段原文是對 Blaine 幾年級的說明,  我實在不能認同這一段屁話!!
容我先解釋一下, 可能有些人不太了解.( 9.24.更新中提到 Blaine 是Junior. 往下移就會看到)
因為 Klaine 和 Hummelberry(Kurt+Rachel) 這兩條故事線在GLEE的劇情裡大受觀眾歡迎,
所以就有要拍攝 spin - off (衍生劇 / 番外篇 的意思) 的說法, 當然並沒有得到官方證實,
GLEE的 spin - off 主要就是講紐約番外篇,
說的當然就是第二季結束時劇中提到的 Rachl和Kurt 相約到紐約讀大學 + 百老匯的故事線,
Kurt 還說要把 Blaine一起拉來.
如果 Blaine是 Senior, 那一切就順理成章,
第三季結束這三個人都一起畢業, 然後到紐約演 Spin - off.
可是問題來了, 如果 Blaine 是Junior, 那就不能畢業, 也就不能到紐約和Kurt在一起.
就會變成 Blaine在Glee, Kurt在 spin - off, 各演各的了!!!
說什麼不論Blaine是幾年級, 粉絲都可以繼續在電視上看到他啊,
要不是在 Glee 就是在 Spin - off. 對Blaine/Darren 的粉絲而言是雙贏的局面.
( 真是夠了, 這是什麼謬論) 把粉絲都當白癡嗎?
我們要的是 "Klaine" , 要的是 "CC+DC" , 不是Blaine ( DC) 或是 Kurt(CC) 在不同的劇中!  

It will be revealed, with no uncertain terms, whether Blaine Anderson is a Junior or a Senior. The aforementioned Tumblr threats I received were directly related to this tease. If you’re a fan of Blaine/Darren there really isn’t a downside to his grade status. If he’s a senior then maybe he will ride off into the sunset (and into a spinoff) with Kurt post graduation. If Blaine is a junior then we have Darren Criss in our living rooms every week on GLEE for all of next year. Either way…win! (And someone else has already spoiled it online,  so go find it.)

* Chris 玩命演出 ( 上面有貼 CC 發的推特和照片)
For those of you who follow Chris Colfer on Twitter, this is the week he does some of those death-defying stunts he tweeted about.  And if you know of one of Chris’s unique off-screen (and dangerous) talents, then be prepared to see him demonstrate his skills on the episode this week.

* 說說 Mike ( 我還搞不清楚是哪件事)
Mike Change in a tank top. Sleep on that visual until Tuesday.

* Finn 找了個工作, 上面的預告片有 ( 看起來好像是在 Burt 的輪胎店)
Did you know Finn has a job? He does and we will see him at work. We will also see Rachel visit him at work. It’s nice to see those two adorably in love and smooching again. (You know, at the appropriate time rather than on stage in front of hundreds.)

* 這一集的 Kurt 將是我們前所未見的 (光是那首 I'm the Greatest Star 的表演就讓人好期待唷)
You will hear Kurt Hummel like you have NEVER heard him before. And I’m not talking about a song and dance number.

* Will和Quinn有對手戲
Be prepared for a very heated moment between Will and Quinn.  Becky wasn’t the only one that thought it was HOT!

* Brittany 和 Santana 有很溫馨(很甜)的橋段
Brittany and Santana share a sweet scene. I know there is a contingent of you that just wants to see them get it on, but there is something fantastic about small moments, too.

* 關於之前Shelby來 McKinley之理由的傳言是真的.
Again, I don't want to spoil major plotlines, but if you heard rumors about Shelby's reason for coming to McKinley, then know the rumors are true.  The reason for her arrival make me want to roll my eyes something fierce.

* 這集的結尾高潮迭起, 扣人心弦 (情感上的)
This week's episode ends on something of a cliffhanger. An emotional cliffhanger.

 Bowtie Blaine is Back!
From: tumblr
Super MINOR Glee Spoiler
Just in case you are wondering if Blaine’s bowties are here to stay…they are!
I can tell you in the first choir room scene of “I Am Unicorn” the dapper Mr. Anderson is sporting a black and white striped polo, a pink bow tie, suspenders and a pair of white (dare I say it) capri pants. Not a sock in sight!
UPDATE: You’re also going to see Blaine in sweatpants so….
I haven’t finished watching the episode yet, but as soon as I do I’ll be posting some teasers over at GIVE ME MY
(For what it’s worth, I do see a difference between teasers and spoilers, so while I don’t mind dropping fun little hints like these, I am not down with revealing too much about plotlines.  Plus Fox might kill me.  So please don’t get frustrated if I don’t spill it all.) 




* 我現在氣的想殺人了!!!  這...這是在搞什麼鬼 !!!! ( 一整個虛脫中)

* 粉絲瘋狂追殺這個消息, 原貼文媒體只得趕快消一下毒 ( RIB 你們快給我個解釋啊 !!!)

  GLEE - Promo of "I Am Unicorn" airing TUE 9/27 at 8/7c!







第一集播出之後, 才了解第二集的劇透語焉不詳的訊息, 終於明朗一些了.

之前說過 Rachel親媽要回 McKinley High,是的,
然後第一集結束 Rachel 和 Kurt 各鋪了一條梗 ---
音樂劇 "西城故事" , Kurt 要競選高年級主席.
從官方釋出的劇照中看來, 之前下面的劇透有一大半都是真的了~
順便說一下好了, Glee的編劇是每集換著的, 就是編劇群啦,

目前知道的 各集編劇大人分別是:
#3x02 - Rayn ,#3x03 - Ian , #3x04 - Ali Adle

Glee 3x02 - "I Am Unicorn" Promo (HD)


↓ Kurt 為西城故事選角試唱. ( 鋼管秀? CC說過的在很高的地方的危險動作是指這個?)

↓ Blaine 為西城故事選角試唱.( 這對小情侶首次公開競爭,不知鹿死誰手)
↓ Brittany 給 Kurt 的競選建議? (獨角獸?)*





  不得了, 這張Fan改圖太強大 ,不貼對不起自己~







* The Hot Seat: Chris Colfer  (From)
The multitalented Glee star taps into his animal instincts. By Sarah Bruning
I saw your recent tweet about doing something dangerous and “life threatening.” Can you elaborate?
I performed a big, flashy number [while shooting an episode of Glee], and I was doing some of the most dangerous things that I’ve ever done on the show. I requested an ambulance on standby. I don’t think we got that, but I had a medic, and I made a lot of people nervous.

Kurt and Blaine’s relationship was an important story line on the last season of Glee. How has it affected the way you play the character?
I think it takes away from Kurt’s loneliness. He has someone to confide in and someone who knows exactly what he’s going through. He has someone to love, and I think that’s what everyone’s striving for—gay, straight, bi or llama.

There’s been a lot of drama in the press lately about you and your character leaving the show. If you called the shots, what would Kurt do after graduation?
I’m still campaigning for Kurt to become the editor-in-chief of Kurtin magazine, which would combine, of course, theater, art and fashion. But we’ll see…



 看樣子,Shelby真的要回Mckinley組另一個 Glee Clob了,

* Lea Michele Teases Season 3 (from)
With Rachel getting ready to graduate, what is her main goal for this year and this season?
Lea Michele: To get into the college of her dreams. It’s in New York, yeah.
And with the arrival of the new glee club, what is that going to mean for Rachel?
LM: The new glee club?
I’ve heard there is a second glee club forming at their high school…
: Oh, yes, Shelby’s creating another glee club. My storyline hasn’t kind of connected to that yet, but I know some of the other characters, it has. My storyline is sort of separate from that.
Have there been any Rachel-Shelby scenes so far?
: Yeah, but as my mother, [but] not involved it that [second glee club] storyline.
Before I let you go, what can you tease about what’s going on with Rachel and Finn? Fans love those two together!
LM: Yeah, we’re great. We’re happy. I love talking about it like it’s my relationship. We’re going strong, and you know, we’re just at this point a solid couple. I think the drama is gone and now we’re just, you know, together, which is really nice. 







ND不爽Blaine轉來McKinley High?
Kurt不爽 Brittany?

* Glee Season 3, Episode Two: What We Know
From / Tumblr
* Episode title “I Am Unicorn.” Source
* It is rumored that Pendleton is a new rival Glee club. Source
* Kurt auditions for the school’s musical. Source
* Shelby Corcoran will return in this episode as a teacher. Her return to Ohio will cause problems for her biological daughter, Rachel and the birth parents of Beth, Puck and Quinn. Source
* Shelby will be in for at least eight episodes. Source
* Lea tweeted she has a scene with Naya. Source
* Lea tweeted she’s shooting a really cute Finchel scene today. . Source
* There is a scene with Prinicipal Figgins and Shelby. Source
* Chris tweeted that he’s shooting a very dangerious scene today (August 24th). Also, adding that it was his idea. Source
* Lea tweeted that she’s shooting a scene with Idina Menzel Source
* Lea tweeted that she’s filming a emotional scene/song Source
* Lea tweeted that she’s filming a scene with Kevin, Jayma and Dot Source
* Lea tweeted she’s filming a funny scene with Chris. Source
* Idina filmed a scene with babies. Source
* There is a Kurt & Burt scene. Source
* Either in this episode or the first episode, there will be a musical number involving tap dancing. The rumored musical number could potentially be a Hummelberry duet seeing the males are dressed like Kurt while the females are dressed like Rachel. Source (這有趣--Kurt+Rachel=Hummelberry)
* Quinn’s hair is blonde again. Source However once again Dianna was spotted with re-dyed pink hair a week after the first sighting. It could suggest the pink hair will last for a bigger arc, but it maybe down to rumoured re-shoots for the previous episode. Source
* It is heavily implied that a Sex Riot/Welcome Back assembly will happen in this episode paralleling with 1x02 Push It (Showmance) and 2x02 Toxic (Britney/Brittany).


* 'Glee' Season 3: The Battle for the School Musical Begins (SOURCE)
While the cast was mum on just what show McKinley High would be staging, Michele said it’s a “classic Broadway musical with one female lead and one male lead,” that, according to Harry Shum Jr., everyone auditions for.

Meanwhile, the play’s co-directors – Emma (Jayma Mays), Artie (Kevin McHale) and Coach Beiste (Dot Marie Jones) – will have to contend with a three-way battle for the male lead when Kurt, Finn (Cory Monteith) and Blaine (Darren Criss) all audition, Michele offered.

While Jones noted that the three co-directors “take their jobs very seriously” and will hold auditions and call-backs, Colfer told THR that Kurt would be trying his best to win the lead.

“It wouldn’t be Kurt without a big huge musical number that includes dangerous effects,” Colfer said. “He definitely tries his hardest to persuade them that he can be this role.”

Colfer noted that regardless of if Kurt lands the role or not, Colfer noted that the audition process could see Kurt battling what it means to be typecast. “It’s a really interesting learning process that he goes through, learning that people can’t see him as anything but him.”

With Blaine among those auditioning for the McKinley play, does this mean that the Head Warbler’s transfer from Dalton is official? Maybe. “It could be the first episode, it could be the second but it could be the last,” Colfer teased. “I’m pretty sure, yes [Blaine will be at McKinley].”


* About the Kurt/Brittany argument (From / tumblr)
This is from the same extra who told us about the argument and the speculation about Kurt & Blaine transferring to the “other” glee club.
Ok, I need someone who can get this spread around because everyone is freaking out about what I wrote. What I said was mostly speculation on my part. I was just trying to piece together previous spoilers, and what we had filmed. But to those who said that Kurt was probably pissed because of the campaign, that’s true. I really wish I could say more, but that stuff hasn’t leaked yet - basically Brittany does something that will drastically change the outcome of the race, at least for that moment.

Ok, so without saying too much because of the stupid contracts extras had to sign, I think that both Blaine and Kurt are going to end up joining the second Glee club. Remember how earlier on we had reports that the New Direction kids weren’t to happy that Blaine was joining? I think that’s going to play a major role (if it’s true) in Blaine’s actions, and then from the scene we filmed, I can basically say that Kurt is NOT happy with Britney AT ALL, like I saw some EPIC bitch faces being filmed- hence why I think he’ll join the other group.



* 3x02 Description
Much to his dismay, Will discovers that (thanks to a private donation) former Vocal Adrenaline coach Shelby Corcoran has been hired to direct a second show-choir group at McKinley; while both Will and Shelby seem good natured about their impending competition, several of the students are less than thrilled about her return to Lima. Brittany manages Kurt’s campaign for class President, but he worries that her strategy may be too one-dimensional; and auditions for the school’s production of West Side Story begin with Artie, Emma, and Coach Beiste serving as the trio of directors. Trying to mend fences, Shelby gives her biological daughter Rachel some sound career advice. Meanwhile, auditions for the male lead in the play heat up, threatening to drive a wedge between Kurt and Blaine.

* glee bts: Glee Season 3, Episode Two: What We Know »
* Episode title “I Am Unicorn.” Source
* It is rumored that Pendleton is a new rival Glee club. Source
* Kurt auditions for the school’s musical.
* Shelby Corcoran will return in this episode as a teacher. Her return to

* 3x02 song spoilers
Rachel and Shelby: Somewhere.
Kurt: He auditions with I’m The Greatest Star聽原唱 Barbra Streisand / Funny Girl 

* glee spoiler for 3x02
There will be a Kurt/Burt scene in the episode.




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