

 Lea和 Chris在 2011.12.19.接受 "Watch What Happens Liv" 節目的專訪,
Chris實在太幽默了, 可是伶牙俐齒反應超快的CC竟然結巴了,
快招了~ Chris,你不是有對象了!!! 3+2 支影片
覺得Chris有把他當兒子的PaPa Ryan疼愛, 有把他當弟弟的sister Lea疼愛,
因為是個好孩子, 才會有那麼多人疼他,對吧 ^_^ (2011.12.29.更新)


 我真的好喜歡看Chris的訪問, 他的妙語如珠總是讓人開懷大笑,
他的開朗樂觀, 自嘲式的笑話 , 跟電視上的Kurt是完全不同的個性,
這大概就是為什麼會有那麼多不分年齡性向的人如此欣賞Chris Colfer的原因吧!

打心底說, 我們都很祝福和期待
CC能夠找到那個讓他快樂的 Mr.Right~








 Lea & Chris "Watch What Happens Liv" Part.1 -2011.12.19 (在YouTube上看)


* 我的屁屁太棒了 !! ( 我們都覺得你的屁屁太讚了~ 翹臀CC )

* Lea說有一天Chris穿了一件連身皮衣, Chris愛的不得了, Lea一直忍不住想把Chris衣服上的拉鍊拉下來,然後Lea說當時Chris一副 "我的臀部看起來怎樣?", 後來主持人就說, "其實他知道它看起來棒極了", Chris接著說 "沒錯,我知道,我的臀部看起來棒呆了, 我只是想讓大家注意它" ( Chris, 你這孩子 XDDD )

Lea Michele: The other day [Chris] was in a full piece rubber body suit that had a zipper-
Chris Colfer: A leather onesie-
Lea Michele: And I kept trying to unzip it, and he kept yelling at me.
Andy Cohen: A leather onesie?
Lea and Chris: A leather onesie, a jumpsuit.
Lea Michele: And he loved it. I have never seen someone love-
Chris Colfer: My ass looked fantastic.
Lea Michele: And he kept going like “does my ass look good?”
Andy Cohen: But he knew it looked good.
Chris Colfer: I did, I did. I just wanted people to notice.”


無敵厲害的影迷立刻找出 CC 的翹臀專輯    XDDD



* Finn(Cory),Puck(Mark),Jesse(Jonathan)誰是劇中的best kisser ?

* 第一個影片中, 有影迷Call In到現場問了Lea一個問題, 說 Finn(Cory),Puck(Mark),Jesse(Jonathan)誰是劇中的best kisser,結果 Lea說"我也親過Darren", 然後影迷就說 "Darren是屬於Kurt的" (OMG~ FanGirl 我愛妳!!!!) Call In 的迷妹上傳了她打電話的影片,寒風中的一堆迷妹 XDDD (點這裡 迷妹提問: 誰是best kisser--迷妹Call In)
Lea is on the phone while they were filming What Happens Live and she answers our question about who is the best on-set kisser on Glee. Darren is mentioned also.


* Chris’ reaction to his storyline in “The First Time”

* Chris 說他被告知 Kurt和Blaine會為對方獻出第一次時, 他當下的反應 (aftqsnbajshg/.&%&* 語無倫次...)


* Chris又被問了 "Darren是不是 good Kisser? " 的問題 , CC以後乾脆在每個節目都不問先答好了. 這題變成了必考題了 XDD

Andy: Is Darren Criss a good kisser?
Chris: Yes, yes. And he knows it!


Darren Criss talks about "The First Time" episode on Glee (在YouTube上看)

* Darren on “The First Time” : ( 忍不住要貼, Darren被問到 3x05 的問題了)
It was done really well, it was done in a very sincere, genuine way. It wasn’t a shock value thing. It painted a very beautiful relationship in a beautiful way and anybody who might have been initially worried about the idea I think were very surprised and very pleased, so… I really loved the episode. It painted a really lovely picture for something I think a lot of heterosexual couples don’t get.





Lea & Chris "Watch What Happens Liv" Part.2 -2011.12.19 (在YouTube上看


* “What’s outside the choir room window?”
  "練唱室的窗戶外面到底有什麼?"  (這問題太棒了, 影迷已經猜好久, CC回答了)

↑ Chris 剛開始只是好玩, 後來他想像 Kurt從窗外看到對面有個皮膚很白的男生在那裡, 比他自己還白. 


 Darren在參加 "Starkid SPACE tour" 巡迴時, 也有影迷問他相同的問題. ( Video. )
影迷問他 "練唱室的窗戶外面到底有什麼?", Darren就說, 他說的話很肯能會被放到tumbler, 所以要謹慎一點, 他是個秘密的人, 他還要影迷去問Chris好了,他樂在享受秘密
真有趣~ 連Darren都學會小心回應了, 說真的tumbler的確是個可怕的地方, XDD 我想說的是, Darren的回應很得體, "窗外" 是Chris鋪設的梗,算是Chris替Kurt的自設的特點吧, 由Chris回答會更恰當. Darren很懂禮貌的說 ( DC和CC都是好孩子一枚唷)

*What is outside the choir room window?
Fan:I have a question for you. It might be really weird, but everyone wants to know: What is out the window of the choir room?
Darren:Oh, so much.
Fan:*laughs* Can you please tell us?
Darren:Uh, I have something, but I know this is probably going on Tumblr, so . . . I'm--I'm actually--I'm a pretty secretive guy. Ask Chris, if you ever find him, because, he likes to advertise stuff--he puts stuff out there. But I like keeping my secrets. I enjoy it.
Fan:Oh, come on!
Darren:It's-- It's pretty cool. 




Lea & Chris "Watch What Happens Liv" Part.3 -2011.12.19 (在YouTube上看
↑ 來看Chris 此地無銀三百兩的反應 XDD , 還有 "女神和那姊" Lea和CC想演哪個?



 Chris 你這樣實在太明顯了 >////<
* Millionarire Matchmaker 是一個專為富豪找對象的節目, 當Andy說或許可以上節目找對象,然後 Chris就結結巴巴, 完全不像他一貫自嘲愛開玩笑的模樣, 然後大家就開始猜 Chris可能已經有對象了, Chris 快點公開誰是那個幸運兒吧!

↑ ( 你是要說 "my boyfriend" 嗎?) , CC回家是會被罵嗎~ (我可沒說會被DC罵喔)


* 節目之後, Millionarire Matchmaker 的主持人 主動發推給Chris說他單身太可惜, 要幫他介紹對象啦~





 Lea Michele Chris Colfer WWHL After Show 1 (在YouTube上看)

↑ Lea說她希望誰來演Rachel的爸爸...然後 Andy說他來演好了, 然後...DC被提到了 XDDD 



Lea Michele Chris Colfer WWHL After Show 2 (在YouTube上看)


↓ 看吧~ 明明就是CC自己想玩,還說是Ryan說的   XDDD (不過,RM真的很疼Chris欸, 把CC當兒子疼)


* Andy: I love seeing you two together, and what good friends you clearly are.

↑ Lea真的很喜歡Chris欸~ 我一直覺得 Lea把CC當自己弟弟疼 >///<



* 節目後, Chris 發推說他和家人一起.....  XDD ( 人家是英國皇室-威廉王子和凱蒂王妃欸)>///<


* 忍不住要貼一下影片,解釋上面那張圖 CC為什麼要發推說他和家人出遊,
這是有典故的喔~ Chris你真的好讓人喜歡!!

 Chris Colfer & Kristin Chenoweth on Jay Leno show ( Video Part 1) ( Video Part 2)
* 這是2011.9.3.在 Tonight Show的專訪,又是一段非常精彩,幽默和爆笑的CC專訪
今年在Glee巡迴到倫敦時過21歲生日,他說慶生那天龍舌蘭酒對他造成的影響-- 他是皇家成員,
Chris真的好幽默 ,  連在旁邊的Christen都被他逗得樂不可支 ^///^

* Chris 說他自己是皇家成員 >////<



* 主持人 Andy 發推+照片  說Chris是他的節目嘉賓

* Chris回推 說這張照片的角度把他拍得太糟糕, 說他如果是 Housewife, 他就要把Andy推去撞牆壁 XDDD, ( Chris, 你不管哪個角度都很帥, 好不好>///<) 



* 這張的側臉實在太    



 PS: 終於完成了, 從收圖,收影片 到把舊資料翻出來(在tumbler上找舊資訊是件非常耗時的工程 =///=)
前後共10天才PO文, 作業補交完畢, 心情真好, 要來去寫CrissColfer了啦啦啦~~~ ^////^



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