

New Directions 將在 Sectionals 對決 Troubletones.
Sam回來了, 和Blaine起了衝突, Blaine終於爆發對Finn的不滿情緒.
Kurt & Sebastian,兩人再度過招, 小賽同學放話要把Blaine搶到手.
Mike父子關係重建,Mike的未來規劃確定. Quinn準備申請耶魯戲劇系了~
高中的最後一年,"把握年輕, 珍惜彼此",我覺得故事的走向是愈來愈值得期待嚕!
* 觀影圖文心得及歌曲分享( 六首演唱, 一個短片) + 劇透&花絮  重新整理就一起放在這裡了 *


 3x08 將於 12月 6日播出, (11月23日拍攝完畢),本集的導演是 Bradley Beucker.

* Red Solo Cup (Sam and New Directions) (在YouTube上聽)
* Buenos Aires (Harmony’s group’s Sectionals performance) (在YouTube上聽)
* Survivor / I Will Survive (TroubleTones’ Sectionals performance)(在YouTube上聽)
* ABC / Control / Man in the Mirror (New Directions’ Sectionals performance)
(在YouTube上聽 / ABC / Control / Man in the Mirror)
* We Are Young (New Directions) (在YouTube上聽)



Kublastian = Kurt+Blaine+Sebastian / Lima Bean
關於Blaine在這三角關係上, 我心裡一直有微詞,
可是我們只看到 Kurt單打獨鬥,
Blaine~ 你就不會在該死的Sebastian面前牽牽Kurt的手, 摟摟Kurt的肩, 給Kurt一個甜蜜的笑眼嗎!
這叫作用行動證明一切, 這是讓Sebastian知難而退的最好方式,
你不能老是期待Kurt幫你擋著, 這樣只是讓Sebastian以為是Kurt賴著你不放,
好歹你也要站出來和Kurt一起並肩作戰吧 >///<
還有啊~ 你到底知不知道, 光是那一句 "我心裡沒有Sebastian" 是不足以安定Kurt的心,
Blaine你說~ 那天在"Lima Bean"喝完咖啡後, 你到底有沒有安撫一下Kurt,
你到底有沒有告訴Kurt, 說你 "真的沒在FaceBook也沒有在推特和Sebastian聊天"
你到底有沒有告訴Kurt, 說你 "真的很愛Kurt"
你到底有沒有告訴Kurt, 說你 "絕對會讓Sebastian滾出你和Kurt的人生"
Blaine~ 我真的很氣你欸 !!!
看Kurt在台上瞥見觀眾席上的Sebastian時, 他那可愛的笑臉瞬間殺氣騰騰, 那恨意可以讓地球爆炸了!
我就知道你一定沒有好好跟Kurt說你 "很在乎Kurt" >"<


GLEE - Preview #1 from "Hold On To Sixteen" airing TUE 12/6 (在 YouTube上看)

↑ Kurt & Blaine & Sebastian - Lima Bean scene


我會挑上面這兩張圖, 是因為貼圖的粉絲加了下面這些 Kurt和 Blaine 心裡想說的話 ( 好好笑~)
* Kurt’s just like:
# bye bitch
# Be sure to sleep with one eye open now
# I mean it would be tragic if you were slaughtered violently in the night
* And Blaine’s just like:
# Kurt help
# Kurt he keeps looking at me like he wants to eat me.
# Kurt I’m afraid. # Kurt he knows where I live now.
# Kurt what if he’s tall enough to see into my bedroom window Kurt?
# WHAT IF KURT? # Kurt hold me.


Glee Cast - Red Solo Cup (Glee Cast Version) (在 YouTube上看)

↑ Sam, 我們歡迎你回來, 好可愛的大家, 好歡樂的歌~


我也不知道欸? 只是因為Blaine不想賣弄色相嗎? 理由好像很牽強 =.="
還是那種性感只能對Kurt展現? 還是他不想要Kurt對別人表演那種性感?
或者只是借題發揮, 英雄無用武之地,
他在ND發表的看法都會被Finn否定掉, 現在他的反對黨又多了一個Sam(?)
如果都不是, 那我認輸了~實在找不出他發脾氣和反對的理由啦~


Blaine對Finn發飆了 !!
說真的,我和 Finn一樣驚訝, 還真看不出來Blaine會拳擊,
說是被霸凌之後去學的, 他還在Daltone成立的決鬥社
(Kurt,你男朋友好厲害啊, 誰要是再推你去撞置物櫃, 你就叫Blaine去推他撞牆壁),
Blaine會說 他來McKinley是為了Kurt, 不是為了出風頭,
他喜歡唱歌, 也愛Kurt, 他只希望能多和Kurt在一起, 參與他的生活而已....
(結果,這些他都沒說! Blaine,跟男友的哥哥說一下你有多在乎Kurt, 是會死唷 ~"~ )
Darren把這段演得很好, 從沒看過如此盛怒的Blaine, 發飆的 Blaine !!!!!
對了, Kurt也發過一次大脾氣, 對象也是....Finn ^___^"




看到沒, 上面這兩個橋段, Blaine和 Finn以及 Sam的交集中,
完全沒有 Kurt, Kurt甚至連邊都沾不上,
所以這意味著 Blaine這個角色已經開始拓展出自己的故事了,
也就是 Blaine不再只是 Kurt的男友,
也就是不再像第二季那樣...有 Blaine的場景就一定會有 Kurt,
今後得要把 Klaine在每一集的出場時間,再分割一半給 Blaine說故事,
對 Kurt和 Klaine的死忠粉絲來說, 這種改變還真是悲喜交加~
順便一提, 某爆料小組回答粉絲提問 "為來會有更多 Blaine與他父親的故事"


New Directions在 Sectionals的三首完整表演, 片長約 8分鐘,
用高品質上傳, 所以就算跑得慢也值得慢慢等,
尤其是 Kurt 在 ABC 的表演很可愛唷~
更不用說 Tina和 Mike有多出色了!

 ABC + Control + Man in the Mirror  (完整曲目,片長約 8分鐘)



↑ 看 Kurt那一臉殺氣!!! 那是因為在表演中看到台下的 Sebastian,小賽同學還和 Mike爸坐在同一排.
PS: 我可以再次表達我有多討厭小賽嗎? 他實在太壞了 >"<




 Man in the Mirror



Glee Cast - Survivor / I Will Survive (Glee Cast Version) (在 YouTube上看)



 GLEE - Full Performance of "We Are Young"  (在 YouTube上看)  


 We Are Young


"Hold On To Sixteen", 當初單元劇名釋出的時候就納悶到底是誰要抓住誰的16歲?
Senior不是17歲就是18歲? 為什麼劇名一定要 "16歲"?
看完之後才明白這是Sam說的那首歌的歌詞 "Hold on to sixteen as long as you can",
Sam要Quinn把握僅有的高中最後一年, 把握年輕歲月.
而到了本集結束也再次呼應這集主題, 把握年輕, 珍惜彼此,
這一年結束, 彼此都將各奔前程, 唯有友情才是伴隨他們一生的資產.

到了這一集, 幾個Senior的未來規劃都有了雛形:
* Rachel + Kurt: NYADA (這竟然和Daltone都是劇中虛構的學校)
* Mike: Alven Ailey American Dance School (艾文˙艾利舞蹈學校也在紐約喔)
* Quinn: 耶魯戲劇系 (她說她不像 Rachel和Kurt那麼會唱歌, 但她很愛演戲.距離紐約也很近)

他應該不會接下Burt的輪胎店經營, 他還是喜歡唱歌的.
然後Puck很有生意頭腦, 說不定會有自己的泳池清理連鎖事業, 在Ohio當老闆啦!
另外Santana超會唱歌,Brittany超會跳舞, 書不太會唸, 硬要她們擠大學, 好像也沒道理,
我會想像她們在賭城紅透半邊天, 高檔秀的天后就屬她們兩了 ^_^
或是在紐約的小酒館駐唱, Santana應該也會很自在的吧~
至於Mercedes, 她家境很好,學業應該也不錯,
只是我還摸不透她除了想當流行天后, 還想做什麼?
如果想當流行天后是不是要參加 "American Idol" 這樣的選秀節目(?)

看來這一季結束後, 是曲終人散的時候了,
突然覺得若第四季還是以 "McKinley High" 為主軸,
那剩下的那三個 Junior能 發展出什麼精彩的劇情? 我懷疑~





 GLEE - Behind the Scenes: "Hold On To Sixteen" (在 YouTube上看)


GLEE - "Hold On To Sixteen": The Return of Trouty Mouth (在 YouTube上看)




* 以下是之前收集的劇透~  部分影片已經移至上面了



 [PROMO #2] Glee - 3x08 - "Hold On To Sixteen" | LEGENDADO (在 YouTube上看





 GLEE - Sneak Peek: "Hold On To Sixteen" (在 YouTube上看








 Glee 3x08 - "Hold on to Sixteen" Promo (HD) ** ( 在 YouTube上看)




* Finn 和 Blaine 合好了 ^_^




* Red Solo Cup (Sam and New Directions) (在YouTube上聽)
* Buenos Aires (Harmony’s group’s Sectionals performance) (在YouTube上聽)
* Survivor / I Will Survive (TroubleTones’ Sectionals performance)(在YouTube上聽)
* ABC / Control / Man in the Mirror (New Directions’ Sectionals performance)
(在YouTube上聽 / ABC / Control / Man in the Mirror)
* We Are Young (New Directions) (在YouTube上聽)

* 說明一下 ND 的 MJ家族組曲的演唱者, 如下: (From)
- ABC - Jenna lead, with Harry/Chris. Mike’s dad comes in during this scene to watch.
- Control - Kevin & Darren. (Dianna opens it. Spoken part“and she sounds like sex”.)
- Man in the Mirror - Cory, Mark, Chord, Darren. Seven minute mashup.



這一大段大概是說 New Directions 將在 Sectionals 對決 Troubletones. Finn為了招募多一些團員, 把 Sam 拉回來參加ND. Tina 鼓勵 Mike 追求夢想, 並和 Mike的爸談論此事. Quinn有個重大的決定.
New Directions competes at Sectionals against the Troubletones; a former Glee Club member, Sam, returns to McKinley; Quinn weighs an important decision; Tina helps Mike with a problem regarding his future.(From)

In an attempt to recruit a few more members, Finn tracks down former teammate Sam Evans and convinces him to come back to the glee club. Tina comes to the defense of Harry and encourages him to pursue his dream while McKinley prepares to host the big sectionals performance.(From)

* 有人發現了上面那段在 IMDB官網的小錯誤(Harry), 就將它推給了 Harry ( 粉絲 Mariann提供了這個有趣的小花絮, 貼出我跟她的對話) (2011.12.2.官網已更正為 "Mike" )
Mariann 說 :The awkward moment when the writer couldn't distinguish the difference between Harry and Mike- "Tina comes to the defense of Harry and encourages him to pursue his dream..." Mwahahaha!!  ( Copied from a fan on twitter to Harry Shum Jr.)
Me 說: 欸 你沒說, 我還沒注意耶~ 真的有人推給 Harry 喔 (?) 好好笑啦.... , 那個是IMDB官網耶, 竟然也會傻傻分不清楚 XDDD 我還是將內文改回 "Mike" 好了, 謝謝提醒唷 ^_^
Mariann 說 : 真的被推給Harry, 還被Harry轉推 XD  這證明他們都演得太好了~讓大家以為本人就是角色 \^O^/  我覺得你應該留著~讓大家笑一下IMDB~~
Me 說: 說的是 XDDD 我就留下原述 "Harry"嚕~ 雖然今天官網已經更正了, 這個IMDB的笑話可要留著 XDD


 劇透整理 (至 2011.11.27.) ( 部分 From)  

* 大家都同意Sam建議的發揮男人性感的本色去贏得冠軍, 只有 Blaine反對, 認為Sam賣弄自己, 兩人戰火一觸即發.
- Will is teaching the guys to dance, and Sam suggests they use their male sex appeal to help win, since they lost much of the sexiness when the girls left. The guys all agree, except for Blaine, who accuses Sam of selling himself. A fight nearly breaks out.

* Blaine超火大在健身房拿沙袋出氣, 在那裡他和 Finn有場交心的對談,(Finn覺得和嫉妒和威脅感), 然後他們決定"戰"在同一陣線.
- Blaine takes out his anger on the gym’s heavy bag. He and Finn have a heart-to-heart (Finn felt jealous/threatened) and they decide to work together, buckle down, and give it their all for competition.

* Tina去拜訪 Mike的爸爸, 試圖說服他支持 Mike追求夢想.
- Tina visits Mike’s dad at work and tells him how much Mike loves to dance. She tries to convince him to support Mike’s dreams, but this seems to put up a wall between Mike and Tina on the night of Sectionals.

* Mike的爸出現在sectionals,說他以 Mike為傲, 並願支持並協助申請舞蹈學校, 但 Mike說已經過了截止日期, 不過, Tina已經悄悄幫他申請了. ( 好感動喔, Tina替他將畢業的男友申請學校, 那... 那, Blaine呢? 你有幫你要畢業的男友申請學校嗎? >"< )
- Mike’s dad shows up at sectionals.
- Mike’s dad says that he is proud of his son and supports his dreams. He wants him to apply to dance schools and promises to help, but Mike has already missed the deadlines. However, Tina didn’t - she applied for him!

* Sam 要贏回 Mercedes的心.
- Sam tells Mercedes that he’ll fight to win her back.

* Quinn要Sam幫他搶回Beth, Sam告訴她停止那些可笑的作法, 並要她成熟一點.
- Quinn asks Sam to help her raise Beth. He finds this ridiculous and tells her to stop trying to grow up so fast.

* Quinn和Shelby的對手戲, 她說她會舉發Shelby和Puck之間的不倫, Shelby說她不愛Puck, 她在Mckinley的教職結束, 並對Quinn道歉.
- Quinn confronts Shelby and says that she’s going to tell on her for sleeping with Puck. Their conversation mirrors that of Quinn and Sam’s; Shelby wants Quinn to stop growing up so fast.  doesn’t love Puck. She accepts that her career is over and apologizes to Quinn.

* 讓 Rachel和Kurt嚇壞的 很讚的Harmony, 會是 ND 在sectionals的另一組對手. 表演順序是 Troubletones -- Harmony's Glee Club -- New Directions.
- This is Lindsay's final episode and thus the final appearance of Harmony. The order of performances for Sectionals will most likely go, first The Troubletones, then Harmony's Glee Club, and then finally New Directions, as they always go last

* Kurt+ Blaine+ Sebastian 在咖啡店有對手戲. 還有一場是只有 Kurt+ Sebastian, 兩人再度過招, Sebastian直截了當說出對Kurt的感覺, 反之 Kurt也是. (好期待這場戲唷~). Sebastian會在sectionals的觀眾席上觀看.
- Kurt and Blaine have a run-in with Sebastian at the coffee shop. Source
- Sebastian becomes slightly more straightforward toward Kurt about how he feels about him and Kurt does the same toward Sebastian. They have their very first alone time without Blaine there, and they definitely express how they feel about each other.Source
- Sebastian will be in the audience at Sectionals

- New Directions performance goes for 7 minutes. (From

- As of Extraordinary Merry Christmas, the Troubletone girls return to New Directions, presumably meaning New Directions win sectionals. ( ND 應該是贏了)

- Rachel will not perform at all during Sectionals. She'll be in the audience, watching them smiling.(From

- Sam is working in a “questionable” bar a.k.a. a strip club.(猛男俱樂部!?) (From

- Rachel and Quinn have become friends again. (From)  

- Rachel offers to give Quinn vocal lessons to help New Directions win against the Troubletones. (From)  


↓  Sectionals 的男生造型~ ( 低頭的是...Rory 和 Kurt 啦~)
407px-Gleeset11.png   463px-Ogvsz.jpg  

↓ Sam 回來了~




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