* Quinn車禍(上集結束時大家就知道了), 看樣子是腿斷了.
* Blaine的大哥首度於劇中現身! * Senior Skip Day *
  春季回歸版新預告2支 + 安家的百老匯巨星大哥Cooper + 搶先看
   劇透和圖片一大堆  + 完整表演曲目釋出
   "Somebody That I Used To Know" 完整表演(Blaine, Cooper) (2012.4.10.更新)

* 第三季第15集 Big Brother 將於2012.4.10.晚間在美播出.


 本集表演曲目 (2012,4,10. 更新)  
* I'm Still Standing (Quinn, Artie) (在YouTube上聽)
* Hungry Like The Wolf / Rio (Blaine, Cooper) (在YouTube上聽)
* Fighter ( Blaine) (在YouTube上聽)
* Up Up Up (Artie, Quinn) (在YouTube上聽)
* Somebody That I Used To Know (Blaine, Cooper) (在YouTube上聽)



Much to Blaine's chagrin, his big-shot Hollywood actor brother, Cooper (Guest Star Bomer), comes to visit in the all-new Spring Premiere "Big Brother" episode of GLEE airing Tuesday, April 10 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. 

When Blaine's narcissistic older brother (and television commercial star) Cooper returns to Lima from Hollywood, Sue and Will enlist the local celebrity's help in improving New Directions' acting technique. While Cooper's presence is welcomed by some, it forces Blaine to address the brothers' ongoing sibling rivalry. As Quinn tries to be optimistic in the wake of her accident, Artie offers support tempered with a much-needed (albeit unwanted) dose of reality. Meanwhile, Sue gets medical news that forces a change in her behavior, and Puck makes Finn a business proposal that could derail his future plans with Rachel.



 GLEE-Full Performance of "Somebody That I Used To Know"(在YouTube上看)

↑  這兩兄弟真的有很深的心結 (嘆~)





* Senior Skip Day (他們都是Senior!!!)


* Puck和Kurt的表情... XDDD



 THR (the Hollywood Reporter) 專訪Matt Bomer (這篇內容很棒, 很多劇透)


 劇透竟然在一夜之間增加那麼多, 慢慢看唄~

  • * We meet Blaine's older brother, Cooper Anderson. There is a flashback that includes Blaine and Cooper as kids. Source
  • * Cooper and Blaine will perform a mash-up together by Duran Duran. Source
  • * Matt Bomer will possibly perform two songs on the show. Source
  • * Cooper is the star of a credit-rating commercial, which makes him an A-list celebrity in Lima. Source
  • * Bomer's characters has "strong convictions and about all of the wrong things and in all of the wrong ways". Source
  • * Kurt refers to Cooper as the most good looking guy in all of North America. Source Kurt's ringtone is also the jingle from his commercial. Source
  • * Matt said about Cooper appearance: "I think he comes back to town under the ruse that he's doing all of this gritty work for the next commercial campaign. But I think he also needs to get back in touch with his roots and reality because he's having a tough go of it. But then once he realizes that he's kind of a hometown hero, the hubris kicks in and his ego expands exponentially." Source
  • * Cooper gives the New Directions a "Master Class" in acting. Some of his lines: "The key to a dramatic scene is pointing," and "The secret to great acting is ignoring whatever the other actor is doing." Source
  • * Matt about Cooper: "He's back in town to rekindle a relationship with his brother, and he really wants to help him and his classmates skip out on some of the flames and arrows of the business that he's had to endure." One of his advices is also to not go to NY. Source
  • * "He's somebody who is desperate for validation, and the second he gets that, it kicks right in to the hubris. It ends up costing him, and he realizes at the end of the episode that if he doesn't calm it down, he's going to lose his relationship with his brother." Source
  • * Cooper and Blaine will have a competitive but also loving relationship. Cooper wants to make sure Blaine gets the success he deserves. Source
  • * Sue is a fan of Cooper's and she will ask Cooper to give to the kids a master class. Source
  • * Cooper has different exercises to warm the kids up, like the "Emotional Tornado". It starts with "Your fingers are up in the clouds. Uh oh — is there a little electricity brewing? Is a storm gonna come? Uh oh — I'm feeling some emotions in the tips of my fingers and now it's dripping down. Now it's in my elbows..." Source We will find out in the first 60 seconds whether they tied the knot. Source
  • * Finn and Rachel might break up. Source
  • * Finn gets a business propsitition in California.Source
  • * Finn and Rachel do not get married. Source




* TV Line 專訪 Matt Bomer (飾演Blaine的大哥- Cooper Anderson)


* 3x15 Big Brother 搶先看來囉~

 GLEE-Sneak Peek: "Big Brother" (在YouTube上看





* Somebody That I Used To Know (Blaine and Cooper)

↑  我覺得你們兩兄弟真的該好好談一談 ~"~









*  Blaine 的大哥 Cooper Anderson 的職業是百老匯的大咖 >////< (這官方發的消息真的有夠猛~)


* 預告終於等到了, 其實應該是春季回歸版, 兩個版本都涵蓋最後八集的內容   




* Glee-Don't stop believin (喔~這不是預告,只是看到樣畢業就忍不住想聽 :P ) 



 GLEE-Promo for "Big Brother" airing TUE 4/10(在YouTube上看) 這支有Blaine的大哥Cooper 


* 原來大哥Copper是來搞笑的 XDDD



* Blaine真的不太高興, 是不是阻擋他的陰影就是Cooper (就像是榮恩有太過優秀哥哥)


* Blaine身後的電視牆全都是Cooper的畫面 (這兩兄弟該不會是有心結吧~)



 GLEE-New Promo 3x15 #2 "Big Brother" [Glee Camino a la Fama] (在YouTube上看



* 雲霄飛車是 Senior Skip Day (據說這個橋段是 Chris提的點子 ^_^"  )


* Kurt看到Cooper的表情 XDDDD (看到偶像了嗎~) >////<  


* Cooper and Blaine ( 安家兄弟 ) 






 Glee 3x15-"Big Brother" Promo (HD) (在YouTube上看

 本集表演曲目 (可能)
* 未知曲目 / Duran Duran的歌曲 (Blaine, Cooper)
* Somebody That I Used To Know (有粉絲從預告中聽到,猜測是 Blaine或是Puck) 原曲  





* 是怎樣 >"< (?!)  3x16的歌單都流出來了(雖然不是100%的曲目), 但是 3x15的呢? 怎麼半點消息都沒啊 ~"~


目前3x15還停留在好久之前所流出來的劇透, 會不會保密得太緊了!?
好吧~ 就整理一下唄~ 呃.....其實就這樣,沒有了
沒騙你,真的沒有更吸引我的了 =.=

先說一下 Blaine的大哥, 終於有Blaine的個人故事了, 喔耶~
* 官方證實Blaine的哥哥叫做Cooper Anderson,由帥哥Matt Bomer飾演 (我在這篇有詳細介紹).
* 安家兄弟將有一段倒述, 敘說兩人小時候的片段, 會徵選兩個小演員, 一個大約14歲~16歲, 一個7~9歲, 所以兄弟倆人的年齡差大概會有個7~8歲吧(?), 光是這個年齡差就讓國外的迷妹們激動的開始期待更種萌死人的劇情了 ^///^
* Cooper和Blaine會演唱一首Duran Duran的混搭 (From)
* 飾演Cooper的Matt可能會演唱兩首歌曲.

* Quinn和Artie會一起出現(發展出新的友情), 並且都坐著輪椅.
* 有場戲是一群孩子在表演"Life Rolls On"(好像和輪椅有關)
* 會在"Six Flags"拍攝 "Senior Skip Day", 他們還會玩雲霄飛車喔喔喔.大概只有那些準備要畢業的Senior會出現吧(?), 所以Klaine不會一起坐雲霄飛車了 >///< (我想看Blaine抱著Kurt尖叫的樣子) . 
* 之前Lea和Chris接受訪問曾提到這段"雲霄飛車的", Chris說Ryan要大家拍這個好玩的,結果Lea吐槽Chris, "Ryan說拍雲霄飛車根本就是Chris的主意". XDDD (可以看這篇Lea和Chris的專訪)

* 拍攝"Magic Mountain for Senior Skip Day"~


* Cooper和Blaine (中間發推那個人就別管了, 他說"我和我的兩個兒子" XDDD )


* 帥哥Matt Bomer將飾演Cooper Anderson(Blaine的哥哥)


* Quinn和Artie & ....



先醬子~ 持續更新....





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