

Rachel好萊塢夢碎(?) + Klaine分手(?)
舊情人相遇在Lima gay bar "Scandals" (?)
WTF!Blainofsky is on(?)
Klaine粉自己珍重  6x01 全集備份載點 ( 一次播出兩集)


* 第六季第 1集【Loser Like Me】(遜咖如我 - 這標題好難翻,大家看得懂就行吧 =.=") 於美國時間 2015年1月9日晚間在美首播. 編劇: Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, and Brad Falchuk. 導演: Bradley Buecker.

* 本集概要: Rachel好萊塢夢碎。Klaine分手。這些心碎的人都回到Lima,但新生活並沒有如想像的美好……





 Darren & Chris表現亮眼!Klaine搶戲!布蘭熊真瞎人眼。Klaine粉自己珍重!

 低調備分整集 6x01  Glee 6x01 Download link (生肉)-載點1


      低調備分整集 6x01  Glee 6x01 Download link (生肉)-載點2     


     *  P.S:求中文字幕檔,盼好心人提供資源  T.T   



* (2014.5.12.) 來自EonLine與TVline最新消息
-  Glee第六季最快將於2015年1月回歸 !!! 

* (2014.7.10.) 來自TheHollywoodReporter最新消息
-  Glee於midseason回歸後將縮減為13集 ~ Damn !





在GLEE的前幾季,我發現在不同的階段會有不同的「劇透來源」,有的持續一季(甚至一季之後,該Blog就消失或不再更新),有的則持續好幾季(像Glee out br=GOBR),就拿我們比較熟悉的GOBR來說,它是由一群女孩子所經營的巴西Glee粉絲網站,她們在Tumblr也有同性質Blog,與粉絲互動發布劇透的管道則是推特;但是自第5季後期開始,她們就不太發劇透,只發歌單而已了。

而第6季還沒開始播出,MJ(一個粉絲網站,聲稱手上握有GLEE的劇透)就似乎成了GLEE劇透的唯一來源,於此同時,GOBR則在推特上發一則聲明表示他們今後將暫時不再更新網站,但Tumblr和推特則持續運作(不過她的湯還停留在4月 =.=")。此外當粉絲詢問GOBR關於MJ的劇透時,GOBR回答:我們從網路上知道的跟你知道的一樣。所以我推測GOBR並沒有從官方哪裡得到和MJ相同的訊息。

我想說的是,「GLEE官方想要把劇透給誰?給多少?」完全就看該部門怎麼決定;GLEE把劇透像拼圖一樣分散給數個他們所挑選的粉絲網站(雖然我不知道挑選的依據是什麼?但是這些網站在Tumblr都一定有據點,所以官方肯定瞭解Tumblr的影響有多廣大),那麼,不同的粉絲網站拿到的只是其中幾小片拼圖,這幾小片拼圖是不是都是真的?官方是不是將重要的那幾片「關鍵」留在身邊? 我們不得而知,猜想那些「發劇透消息的粉絲網站」也不清楚(這個可從最初MJ說「回顧」劇情是發生在Lima Bean,但後來拍攝時的通告單流出來是發生在Gay bar「Scandals」這一點看出MJ公布的並不都是正確資訊)。



容我發一下牢騷,先前說過本人極度厭惡MJ對平方粉的不友善(現在發現不只MJ,連GOBR、Gleekto、DCN、CCN這幾個在湯上頗具影響力的所謂的「資源粉」對平方粉都非常不友善,甚至可說無禮。有機會再聊這部分。),貼一則最近發生的事件,我只想讓訪客們瞭解為什麼我不喜歡MJ的原因,她真的很惡劣(嘆)。以下原文 From X 

* 有個粉絲寫了這則推文給GLEE、 FOX、Ryan和鬍子大叔,然後在湯上說,如果大家也能這麼做(無論是RE或Fave),或許有機會能讓他們出面證實或否認這些劇透。
silllybrit:youll-be-my-american-boy21:mjsbigblog:stopandimaginelove:So I just tweeted this to Ryan, Glee and Joaquin.  If you could go and fave and RT maybe they’ll actually see it and who knows?  Maybe confirm/deny or shut down the leak?  LMFAO.This woman is one of the crazier crisscolfer tinhatters. And the scary part is that she’s no kid. She’s a MIDDLE AGED WOMAN. I. Can’t. Even.  How do some folks even get out of bed in the morning?What makes me laugh is how the tinhatters believe FOX and the producers are watching every move they make on twitter and tumblr. Delusions of grandeur maybe?So did you make up all those spoilers yourself or is somebody really just feeding you bullshit to make you believe you actually have something? Funny how you bring up her shipping Crisscolfer to deflect from her calling you a fake. I’ll give you some credit though. That actually works pretty well in the Glee fandom. The big bad Crisscolfer shippers are out to get ya! Oh no! Those crazy tinhatters! Ha ha ha aren’t they something?MJ why do you keep bringing CrissColfer into this? Lynne didn’t mention it. These other people replying to you didn’t mention it, YOU did to deflect from your hilarious “spoilers”.Honey, I know you’re sitting barefoot in your little apartment most of the time but really, go outside. Visit the offline world. We all ship what we ship but we don’t bring it into everything; you’re the one doing that, dear.Good luck.
- - 推主stopandimaginelove說:
So I just tweeted this to Ryan, Glee and Joaquin. If you could go and fave and RT maybe they’ll actually see it and who knows? Maybe confirm/deny or shut down the leak?

* 然後MJ就抓狂大罵推主,說推主是個神經平方粉、是個有神經病的中年女人,還說你們這些鄉民別犯傻,真的相信FOX和GLEE的製作人會逐一看那些消息、推文和Tumblr嗎?別妄想了。
-- mjsbigblog說
LMFAO. This woman is one of the crazier crisscolfer tinhatters. And the scary part is that she’s no kid. She’s a MIDDLE AGED WOMAN. I. Can’t. Even.
How do some folks even get out of bed in the morning?
What makes me laugh is how the tinhatters believe FOX and the producers are watching every move they make on twitter and tumblr. Delusions of grandeur maybe?

 平方粉躺著也中槍! 是怎樣?我們平方粉也太好欺負,是嗎?顯然MJ被激怒而遷怒於平方粉。

* 有其他粉絲看不過去,出面替推主抱不平、為平方粉喊冤,說這推文關平方粉啥事?推主根本沒說自己是平方粉,半句CrissColfer都沒提,反過來質問MJ,是不是因為大人物不會來這些社群網站,妳MJ就自己杜撰這些劇透? (X


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 以上 mickey立場  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -


 本集表演曲目: (2014.9.29.更新)
* Let It Go - Idina Menzel from Frozen ( Rachel) 聽原唱
* Uninvited - Alanis Morissette ( Rachel) 聽原唱
* Suddenly Seymour - Cast of Little Shop of Horrors ( Blaine, Rachel) 聽原唱
* Sing - Ed Sheeran ( Blaine, Warblers) 聽原唱
* Dance the Night Away - Van Halen ( Vocal Adrenaline) 聽原唱
* Karma Chameleon - Culture Club ( Rachel) 聽原唱




 劇透隨便丟,請你不要太相信,因為連我自己都不相信它~ (圖文穿插) ~


* 劇情不可思議,不翻譯了 .

* Blaine, Kurt, Dave
1 ) Blaine and Kurt are broken up when the episode begins. After Blaine moved back into the loft, the couple continued to argue. Kurt decided they were too young to be engaged and broke it off.

2 ) We first see Kurt in New York, months after his break up with Blaine. Finally, he decides to speed date. One of his speed daters senses that Kurt isn’t over an old relationship and tells him so. The experience sets Kurt on the path to realizing that he still loves Blaine.

3 ) Upset after the breakup, Blaine allowed his grades to slip and was cut from NYADA, returned to Westerville, where he moved back in with his parents and took a job at Dalton as the director of The Warblers. After months apart, Kurt changes his mind about Blaine and heads back to Lima to try and get him back. But too late because Blaine and Karofsky - an out-and-proud college student - are a couple. They are dating. They even have pet names for each other: Yogi Bear and Boo Boo.

4 ) Kurt, Blaine - New Yourk ( Kurt回顧) (根據流出來的通告單上所示)
staceysthings:yourenotlaura:Here ya go! From the call sheet that someone gave me from set.She gave me the scene numbers. They are as follows:601-19 - Kurt walking with a spring in his step601-21 - Speed dating601-28ptA - Hot date601-28ptB - FLASHBACK Kurt and Blaine breakup601-38 - FLASHBACK Standing in the rain 

601-19 - Kurt walking with a spring in his step
601-21 - Speed dating
601-28ptA - Hot date
601-28ptB - FLASHBACK Kurt and Blaine breakup
601-38 - FLASHBACK Standing in the rain


5 ) Gay Bar - Scandals ( Kurt, Blaine, Dave) 
臨演staceysthings說: (當天拍攝他看到的「callsheet (通告單)」
I was one of the people at the filming today and I saw a callsheet for the Scandals filming and from what I could tell, based on the scene numbers and the placement of the scenes in the ep, the flashback DOES NOT HAPPEN at the Lima Bean, it happens during the course of Kurt, Blaine (and Karofsky’s) meeting at Scandals. It goes:

Blaine and Kurt meet at Scandals (I’m not sure if they just happen to see each other there or planned to meet, I don’t remember the wording), then Karofsky shows up. Then they talk or whatever (I didn’t see a script so I have no idea what they say to each other or anything like that), then the flashback. I don’t have any info on dialogue or how they say it but Kurt definitely finds out about them at Scandals.

I’m not saying this to discredit MJ. Her spoilers have been great and reliable. But they’ve been changing some things and I have no idea if this is some of that or what. I just know what I saw on the callsheet and a little bit of what we could see from the monitors when they were filming.

* MJ後來依照上述將劇透更新為:
- - Kurt runs into Blaine and David at Scandals, where Blaine and Kurt reunite for the first time since they broke up.

- - After Blaine and Kurt talk, Karofsky appears as Blaine breaks the news to Kurt that they are dating. There is a flashback that takes place at Scandals. It explains how Blaine and Karofsky got together. They bumped into each other at the club on “Bear Night.” Karofsky buys Blaine a beer.

- - After Blaine and David reveal they are a couple and describe how they met, Kurt heads off to the men’s room where he breaks down in tears

* 關於「callsheet (通告單)」,有粉絲質疑其用意為何?依照過往,除了演員都被合約限制不得擅自公開劇情,就連參加演出的臨演都被要求不得洩漏與拍攝有關的任何東西,但這次為什麼那麼輕易就流出來,而且不單只有「New York」連「Scandals」和「Dalton」都被流出來,動機不單純,而且通告單上怎麼會寫這些?

* Rachel, Kurt ~
1 ) Rachel’s pilot - titled "That's So Rachel" - goes to series, but it bombs. The show is quickly cancelled. The fallout renders her Hollywood career dead in the water. ◾Having burned her bridges on Broadway, she has nowhere to go. She ends up moving back home, where she finds out that her dads are divorcing. Hiram has moved out. LeRoy is the dad left at home.

2 ) Rachel, still dismayed that Principal Sue disbanded the Glee Club, goes above her head to the superintendent of Lima Public Schools. She convinces him to revive the McKinley Glee Club by offering to fund it with her remaining TV money. He insists she be the director.

3 ) Rachel seeks counsel from Mr. Shue at a Vocal Adrenaline rehearsal.

4 ) After Kurt arrives in Lima, Rachel convinces him to run Glee Club with her. He remains a NYADA student, taking the job as an intern.

5 ) There aren't tryouts for Glee Club yet.

* Artie, Figgins, Mercedes, Sam, and Will
1 ) Will is the director of Vocal Adrenaline.
2 ) Sam works for Coach Shannon Beiste. He is an assistant football coach at McKinley.
3 ) Artie is still in film school.
4 ) Mercedes is still on tour with Santana and Brittany.
5 ) Figgins is a part-time barista at the Lima Bean.


* 鬍子大叔要大家不要看劇透了 ~ 

* Lea說: “I don’t care.. What they’re going to say.. Let the storm rage on.. The cold never bothered me anyway…” ()
@msleamichele “I don’t care.. What they’re going to say.. Let the storm rage on.. The cold never bothered me anyway…” 

* Lea說: Singing a broadway classic with @DarrenCriss at #Glee today! #GleeSeason6  ()
 ‏@msleamichele Singing a broadway classic with @DarrenCriss at #Glee today! #GleeSeason6 🎶


* DarrenCriss說: Congrats to @edsheeran on his Moon Man…. Glee spoiler…? #VMA2014 (Darren在夏天推了這張, 從推文當中當時大家就推測GLEE要唱Ed的歌 ~)
DarrenCriss: Congrats to @edsheeran on his Moon Man……….. Glee spoiler…? #VMA2014






* 自從八月底以來關於第六季的謠言滿天亂飛,先前我所信任的幾個劇透來源也都還不動聲色,這讓粉絲網站MJ(mjsbigblog)在網路上自居龍頭一股腦兒放劇透,我個人對MJ不信任,於公 - MJ的消息來源就是她自己,說服不了我。於私 - 我討厭MJ(我就是不喜歡她攻擊CrissColfer shippers,怎樣!)。不過,這兩天GOB(Gleek Out brasil)終於出來講講話,Lea也開始進棚發"片場推",顯示未來將會有更多「可信賴」的來源出來,所以,第六季劇透正式回歸囉!
我認真整理劇透,你隨便看看就好 ^___^



* 第六季第 1集【Loser Like Me】 - From GOB
6x01 - 02  

* 綜合幾個我所信任的來源,確定的有:
1) 第六季只有13集。
2) 6x01的標題【Loser Like Me】。
3) 第六季回歸後的劇情有時間跳躍。
4) Dave Karofsky回歸,他將有4集的戲約。
5) Karofsky和Blaine以及Kurt在劇情上有互動。
6) 在某種形式上(可能是現實或是幻象)Blain和Karofsky會以情侶身分出現。
7) Rachel會唱迪士尼的歌曲。
8) Rachel和Kurt以及Sue有對手戲開拍了。

* 【'Glee' Books Max Adler's Return — as Blaine's Boyfriend? (Exclusive)】From THR (2014.8.21.)  
- 就是這則報導把Fandom弄得七葷八素,但THR的立場看來比其他媒體(如out和MJ)保留得多,THR用的是「?」,而且我的看法和THR也相近『 Sources tell THR that Dave Karofsky,(Max Adler)may now be romantically entangled with Blaine (Darren Criss),………,However, Glee co-creator Ryan Murphy told reporters in April that the final season would feature a time jump — and focus more on the core original castmembers — which could mean Kurt and Blaine have split after that. Or, knowing Glee, it could all be part of an elaborate dream sequence. 』,可能是某人的想像或是夢境,我傾向是Kurt的婚前焦慮,或是噩夢什麼的。


Glee就是這樣,語不驚人死不休,現在劇歇,要不製造點話題,再過個幾個月觀眾肯定把GLEE忘光光,像5x20 Blaine和Britt的床戲還被剪進預告裡呢,當時在粉絲圈起了好大風波,結果不也是烏龍劇情一場,沒幾秒就過去了。


* 下面這兩篇專訪是演員Max關於Karofsky回歸的訪談,我覺得有指標性的意義,大家可以點進去:
-  Karofsky和Blaine以及Kurt確實有互動發生。
-  現在談Blain和Karofsky的關係還太早。
-  他什麼都不能說    =.=  (挖咧~ 原來你是GLEE派出來炒作新聞的)

* 【Glee Season 6: Max Adler Warns Against Jumping to Conclusions About Karofsky’s Return, Impact on Klaine — Exclusive】from wetpaint 
-  關於Karofsky和Blaine成為情侶的傳言,演員Max的回答:
The only thing I can say is I hear you and I guess with Glee or any spoilers or rumors, you just can’t be too quick to judge anything because you just have to see how the story lines play out and things may or may not make sense or clear up as information gets revealed. It will certainly be an interesting thing to watch those three characters [Kurt, Blaine, David] play out everything that’s happened in their history to what's happening now. It will be addressed. You gotta just tune in and see how it all plays out!I wouldn't be quick to jump to any final conclusions one way or the other, As in life, with TV, things can happen and change with the drop of a hat, so before you make any judgements, tune in and see what happens and go along for a ride.

* 【Don't get too comfortable, Gleeks: Max Adler says the show has twists and turns coming】From:X 
-  關於Karofsky和Blaine以及Kurt的劇情,演員Max的回答:
They catch you up very quickly [on the jump in time]. It’s all explained in a very fun way. Karofsky for sure is in the first four episodes and he does interact with Blaine and Kurt in the first episode back. But in what regard or what capacity, you’ll have to tune in otherwise I’ll be killed!

* Lea推文 "和Chris及Jane姨一起拍GLEE第六季"~

* Lea在訪問中提到『剛錄製完一首很流行的迪士尼歌』(Video X )
I’m back at Glee now. It’s very busy, I was there last night singing the first—I’ll give you a little sneak peek—the first Disney song we’ve ever done. A very popular Disney song. 


* 牆上寫著 "That's So Rachel" set . (猜測這是Rachel的電視劇試播集的劇名)


至於【Klaine分手說】 ~
6x01 - 01 - klaine  
↑  因為這個推文再加上Blanfsky的出現,於是就有了【分手說】,但也有人將track解讀為「螢光幕」,所以認為服裝Lady指的是Klaine回歸螢幕。我則寧願解讀為【遠距戀愛】-- Klaine經過遠距戀愛之後再度聚首……

連 Max、Lea、GOB、RIB都不能透漏太多,其他報導相關消息的正派媒體也都沒把話說死,我是很好奇MJ憑什麼一直爆料,而且鉅細靡遺、自信十足,像是他看過劇本似的?更不解的是還有很多Glee粉絲相信他? MJ完全沒有給我們可信的消息來源,因為來源就是他自己,啊這是怎樣?!

好吧,雖然我完全無法信任MJ的消息可信度,但是人有知的權利,我還是將那些垃圾丟出來給大家,我現在不想Care Klaine是否分手,不想隨Blaineofsky(隨便啦)起舞,我要是白癡信了MJ,往後幾個月不都得受折磨,等更多消息出來再擔心也不遲,反正我們也不能改變什麼。


-------------  分隔線 ,以下MJ訊息真假請自辨  -------------

連歌單他都有了呢 =.="
*“Uninvited” by Alanis Morissette – sung by Rachel
*“Suddenly Seymour” from Little Shop of Horrors – sung by Rachel & Blaine
*“Sing” by Ed Sheeran – sung by Blaine & the Warblers
*“Dance the Night Away” by Van Halen – sung by Vocal Adrenaline
*“Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club – sung by Rachel
*“Let it Go” from Frozen – sung by Rachel


* Glee Season 6 Spoilers Loser Like Me

* The time frame is fall. As I mentioned in my last spoiler post, there is a 6 month-ish time jump between season 5 and season 6.
* Rachel, Blaine, Kurt, Sam, Figgins, Will, Sue, Karofsky, and some others I’ll mention in a bit, ARE in this episode.
* Artie, Mercedes, Santana are NOT in the episode.
* Rachel’s pilot goes to series, but it bombs. The show is quickly cancelled. The fallout renders her Hollywood career dead in the water. Having burned her bridges on Broadway she has nowhere to go. She ends up moving back home.
* Rachel finds out that her dads are divorcing. Hiram has moved out. Leroy, who is in the episode, is the dad left at home.
* Rachel , still dismayed that Principal Sue disbanded the Glee club, goes above her head to the Lima school superintendent. She convinces him to revive the McKinley glee club by offering to fund it with her remaining TV money. He insists she be the director.
* Blaine and Kurt are already broken up when the episode begins.
* Backstory: After Blaine moved back into the loft, the couple continued to argue. Kurt decided they were too young to be engaged and broke it off. Upset after the breakup, Blaine allowed his grades to slip and was cut from NYADA.
* In the episode, Blaine has already moved back in with his parents to regroup, and has taken a job at Dalton as the director of The Warblers.
* After months apart, Kurt changes his mind about Blaine and heads back to Lima to try and get him back. But too late because…
* Blaine and Karofsky are a couple. They are dating. They even have pet names for each other. Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. And yes, I did throw up in my mouth a little when I heard that.
* Karofsky is a college student and totally out as a gay man.
* Blaine tells Kurt he’s dating Karofsky.
* After Kurt arrives in Lima, Rachel convinces him to run Glee club with her. He remains a NYADA student, taking the job as an intern.
* Figgins is a part-time barista at the Lima Bean
* Sam works for Coach Beiste. He is an assistant football coach at McKinley
* Artie is still in film school. Mercedes is still on tour with Santana and Brittany.
* New kids, Roderick, the nerd, and Spencer, the cocky gay football player, appear in the episode.
* Will is the director of Vocal Adrenaline.
* We’ll get to see Rachel’s pilot. It’s called “That’s So Rachel”
* No Glee club tryouts yet.


WTF!我只能說MJ神通廣大,這劇本是他自己寫的吧 =.=





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