

Kurt的《Pamela Lansbury》要唱【Into the Groove】
Blaine和Kurt都變成討厭鬼了 (?) + 真的要唱 "狐狸怎麼叫"(?)  
全集曲目5首官方完整版釋出 +  新預告官方劇照 & 真人Q版娃娃
花絮搶先看 5x07 全集備份載點
觀影分享 + 全集 5首歌曲表演完整版 (2013.12.21.更新)


* 第五季第 7集【Puppet Master】  將於 2013年 11月 28日晚間在美首播。 編劇: Matthew Hodgson. 導演: Paul McCrane.

* 本集概要: Will忙於校務, Blaine自成ND頭頭, 成了討人厭的控制狂. 在紐約的Kurt也不惶多讓, 夫唱夫隨也跟著成了霸道的討厭鬼, 團員對他的主張多有意見. Sue展現她女性化的那一面... 


 本集表演曲: (2013.11.25.更新) 經gleekoutbr證實
* Into the Groove - Madonna ( Pamela Lansbury = Kurt的樂團 ) 在YouTube聽
* You're My Best Friend -Queen ( Blaine) 在YouTube聽
* Cheek to Cheek - Fred Astaire ( Sue, Will ) 在YouTube聽
* Nasty / Rhythm Nation -Janet Jackson ( Bree, Jake, Marley) 在YouTube聽
* The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) - Ylvis (Pamela Lansbury,New Directions) 在YouTube聽
   ( 救命 !   我還是好想撞牆    T.T"  )





 觀影分享 圖文穿插 ~ (2013.12.21.更新

補交作業啊啊啊 (=///=") 雖然距離播出已經過3個星期, 但還是該要有始有終, 不然心裡老覺得有事情沒做完 Orz

* My fiancé   ( 光是聽到這兩個字就很窩心 ^///^ ) 

* 很喜歡這集呢! 因為....
1 ) 我對像芝麻街那樣的大頭人偶沒有任何抵抗力. Glee這次所有的仿真人Q版娃娃真的戳到我的萌點 
2 ) fiancé出現好多次
3 ) 基本上分別是以Lima的Blaine以及NY的Kurt為故事主軸 (完全忽略花心男Jack和蠻橫代校長Sue)

 Blaine ~ 
儘管這集的Blaine是個徹頭徹尾的控制狂 + 自大狂, 但我還是好愛他! 仔細想想和Rachel挺像的, 當初第一季Will生病請假, Rachel不也做了同樣討人厭的事情嗎? ^___^ 可是我就不會討厭這集的Blaine, 可能是因為有那些可愛的人偶替Blaine加持吧(?) 而且他還不只一次提到訂婚之後身為未婚夫的壓力 (我也覺得挺可愛的~) .

 Blaine Gets Bossy from "Puppet Master"  (在YouTube看)

* Blaine的大頭症引起眾怒, 真是討打了他, 竟然敢在這些元老面前說.   還有Sam的表情, 笑死我了XD 



* Blaine, 你坐在角落生悶氣的表情好少女心啊 >////< 


* 鋼琴師戲份不少喔~ Blaine與Brad的對手戲好好笑  ( Blaine參加了 23個社團, 夭受多 =.=")





 Full Performance of "You're My Best Friend"  (在YouTube看)



* Blaine的幻覺    (真的好愛這些Puppet ~ )  




* Blaine要自己做一個  fiancé  Puppet    ( 我好喜歡Blaine這段談話, 好甜好窩心~)




 Puppet Mistress from "Puppet Master"  (在YouTube看)

* Blaine想念Kurt,   只好寄情於Kurt娃娃,   Poor Blaine    Q___Q 



* America's gay sweetheart   /   Kurt need me ~    



↑ 這裡有一段話沒截到動圖,  但我覺得好好笑, Jack對Blaine說: 你有沒有發覺現在你在練唱室之外也開始和娃娃說話, 這不太正常,  你真的該去做個斷層掃瞄了 XDDD


 Kurt ~  
最初的劇透中說Kurt一意孤行, 但看這集之後我不覺得他對他的團員很霸道啊? 可能是因為劇情在這部分輕描淡寫就帶過的原因吧? 我倒是覺得他化身為Kurt娃娃和Blaine講電話那裡很強勢, 也難怪Blaine會小小不堪訂婚的責任和壓力.

* 這讓我懷念以前常有的  "多方通話"  





* 喔喔~ Blaine被罵了 ^^"

* Kurt娃娃有戒指 >////<   ( 是Blaine替他戴上的啊啊啊~) 

* 我可以期待Glee多多讓Kurt幻想演唱嗎? 因為在Kurt的幻想中一定是以Kurt中心, 那麼我們就可以有很多Chris(Kurt)的獨唱部分, 有很多Chris(Kurt)的特寫鏡頭, 我們這些粉真的是委屈到這樣了, Glee的編大, 你們就成全我們吧 T.T


 Full Performance of "Into The Groove"  (在YouTube看)



* 靈異事件(?)   or    時空裂縫(?)   XDDD  



* Blaine沒能將他的未婚夫救出來   Q__Q  


* 這一集最絕妙的地方是, 因為瓦斯漏氣引起的幻覺, 卻因為Kurt娃娃竟然自己動了而有奇妙的解讀, 我超喜歡他悄悄抬頭的那一幕 XDDD 


* Kurt大人, 你的團員對你刮目相看囉  ~  






 Full Performance of "The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)"  (在YouTube看)




* Blaine, 連閨蜜都不挺你了嗎?   XDDD 





* Blaine說: "我好想我的Kurt娃娃, 因為他總是對我言聽計從"   >////< 

* Kurt Hummel, 你的包裹!   4x10 V.S. 5x07  



 Full Performance of "Nasty/Rhythm Nation"  (在YouTube看)
↑  被我忽略的Jack劇情,  這一段歌舞倒是真的很不錯~

* Blaine的手作 / 都是為Kurt而做的  (好感動啊!!


 Full Performance of "Cheek To Cheek"  (在YouTube看)

* 這些人是讓Puppet活起來的大功臣 ! 

* 花絮~

 Behind The Scenes "Puppet Master" /   Chris & Darren & Adam  (在YouTube看






 低調備分整集 5x07 Glee 5x07 Download link (生肉)



 劇透隨便丟~ (圖文穿插) 先醬~


 Sneak Peek: "Puppet Masters" | GLEE   (在YouTube看)











* Chris說: "我們應該幫醉鬼Kurt娃娃做個網路劇"   XDDD  






 Glee 5x07 Promo "Puppet Master" (HD)    (在YouTube看)








 官方劇照 &  Q版真人娃娃 ~ 









* 因為鞋老師忙著應付學校的事, 所以ND這次得要自立自強來準備Nationals (全國賽)

* Blaine就說他有計畫, 以他為重心的計畫, 然後變成了控制狂.....(哎唷喂~ 怎麼很像鞋老師生病, Rachel搶做老大惹得Santana發火那一集啊?!! 不過Santana現在不在Lima, 那麼我猜說不定輪到火爆女Tina發飆了)

* 未婚夫夫真是心有靈犀, Kurt在紐約也成了控制狂, 由於【Pamela Lansbury】首演地點的事情讓團員很不爽. 之前的劇透說《紐約有某人抓狂》, 這前後一兜...抓狂的如果不是Kurt就一定是Santana了, 啊~~我還真懷念她的Lima hight (是這樣拼字嗎?)

* Blaine因為ND對他的指控而感到很鬱悶, 就打電話給在紐約的Kurt, 求抱抱, 求安慰.

* 真人ND在Blaine眼中全都變成了那些可愛的ND娃娃.

* 紐約的真人版娃娃   超  級  Q    ^////^ 

↑  Kurt娃娃的手指上戴著訂婚戒指唷 (好幸福哪~)  ^////^    KalenG說 【@chriscolfer This guy had A LOT to say about you. Apologies in advance.】 (道歉?? 什麼意思??? Kurt到底做了什麼?? ) 

* Blaine和Sam請大家投票給 Blam !!!! ( 到Chord的IG看影片,2013.11.9. 很可愛很可愛喔~)


* 紐約【Pamela Lansbury】的《Into the Groove》 


* Blaine與他的ND娃娃兵,   後面的看板是【BLAINE】 XDDD  

* verything’s coming up Anderson-Hummel ,  這個對照圖讚 ! XDD   
everything’s coming up Anderson-Hummel 





* Damn ! 【You're My Best Friend】竟然是Blaine唱的, 還是專為某人唱的. (怒~ 最好是唱給Kurt的, Blam的Duet次數已經超過Klaine的 >"<)

* New Directions為了全國賽的分配問題提出質疑. (該不會又是爭主唱吧 =.= )

* 這是對Santana很重要的一集, 對她的計劃也是.


 The seniors leaving issue is addressed. There's talk about the future of McKinley.
--   高年級生整裝待發. 談論到關於McKinley的未來.

上面這個劇透很早就有了, 當時沒把它放在心上, 但是之後出現許多關於GLEE這齣劇未來走向 (第五季後半 ~ 第六季的發展), 我不禁重新思考這幾句話的意思.

* 是這樣的, 最早是 10月30日 E!獨家 說RM的團隊正醞釀下面這些 (From X )
* 第六季Kurt搬到俄羅斯.
* 並粗略考慮最後一季(第六季)GLEE劇情的三個可能走向 :
   1) 全部劇情拉到紐約.
   2) Kurt搬到俄羅斯. (可能跟LGBT有關)
   3) 還沒決定, 有可能包含McKinley High的部分.

* 11月5日 E! 出面否認 RM要替Lea拍spinoff的傳言, 並再次重申他們的消息來源說第六季的三個可能發展. (From X )

* 11月5日 TVguide發推: Darren跟他說 "Kurt要搬去俄羅斯是胡扯"

↑  這推很有意思, 我的解讀是【全世界都已經知道RM考慮把Kurt搬到俄羅斯, 只有Darren不知道他的小親親Kurt要被賣了】 =.="

* 10月31日 當 E!獨家說Kurt可能要搬到俄羅斯後, GLEE的TBS執行Kalen G與GLEE粉絲團 (應該是團長or站長) Rob在推上聊起來, Chris就出來說【Kurt可能是安娜塔西亞】 (安娜塔西亞是末代沙皇尼古拉二世之女, 後來疑似失蹤了, 不知道這段歷史故事的人請自行google). 我想要強調的是 --- Chris並沒有正面回應, 既沒有承認, 也沒有像Darren那樣強力否認. 但我認為他是知內情的. 關於Kurt到俄羅斯的相關我和朋友們有過多次沙盤推論, 在這裡就先保留不說了.

* Chris說 : 【Kurt可能是安娜塔西亞】  


* 總結以上, 上面那句【There's talk about the future of McKinley. (談論到關於McKinley的未來.)】我的不負責解讀和推測是 :
Mckinley未來是否面臨關校? 是否這是在為第六季的劇情作鋪陳, 鋪梗? 好讓萬一第六季全部劇情拉到紐約的狀況發生時, Mickinley的劇情才不會結束的太倉促. 《談論到關於McKinley的未來》的橋段發生在現在是好的, 對於整體劇情來說是一個進可攻退可守的優勢, 不論將來的劇情將會以哪裡為主.
(所以 E!的獨家是有其可信度的.)





* 人偶是暗喻.

* Starchild會揭露一些事情/東西. (這我就不懂在說什麼了???)


* Lea, Chris, Naya, Demi, Adam在一個搭建的時髦酒吧拍攝, 是一個很讚的鋼琴酒吧.   參與拍攝的臨演被要求穿著很時髦, 當中有一對特別設定的組合, 其被描述為 -- 火辣, 服裝和髮型都很優, 而且是男人和女人心中所幻想的對象. 據說這一個橋段是Kurt的幻象!!! 


* RM照片推 / 好可愛! 好可愛!! (我想要帶一個Blaine回家) >///< 


* RM照片推 /   Blaine, 你的Kurt呢?    (我要Kurt啊啊啊!!)  


* 人偶與我 /    Jake  &   Ryder  ^____^  (好可愛喔!  我對這種芝蔴街大嘴娃娃最不能抵擋了~)






* The Madonna cover band 會經過一番艱苦的掙扎.

* 紐約有某人要抓狂.

*  【You're My Best Friend】是專為某人唱的.


* 由於下面這篇文章的這個部落格經常會透漏一些非常詳細並近乎確實的劇透, 加上它剛剛好在今年九月首播前一週開張的. 我實在很難不將它視為官方的虛擬分身. 它今天PO了一篇文, 我覺得很有意思, 把它當成未來GLEE劇情的風向球也無不可. 不翻譯直接貼出來跟大家分享~

 Glee: Lost Directions (Where do we go from here?) (October 25, 2013) 

Another week to digest without one of our favorite tv shows airing a new episode, but as a consolation I decided it was time to “discuss” about the present of the once high rated series, and if you behave I might share some scoop on upcoming episodes.

So Season 5 has just started (3 episodes and waiting…) to a pretty solid start, but since this year follows the same time lapse as last season (Deemed by you as the worst season) and considering that the remaining of the Original 6, along with fan favorite Blam are saying goodbye to McKinley in just a few episodes it’s come to the point where you can’t help but wonder: What the crap is going to happen next? And being a hardcore gleek since Season 1 myself I thought it would be nice to figure out how this show can improve once it comes back from its year-like long hiatus.

 * Get the Hell Rid Out McKinley: As soon as Tina, Blaine, Artie and Sam say goodbye, graduate the school with them. I know we’re still gonna have half the main cast there but seriously they will be collateral damage to bring back the show we all loved and cherised. Besides, the newbies didn’t get as much buzz as they were suppossed to, their storylines are old, lame, and overused. As for Sue and Schue, well… Pretty much he became disposable and Principal Sylvester can visit NYC anytime she wants, as a recurring, cuz seriously that is pretty much how her presence has felt since like 3 seasons ago.

* Bring the Graduates to New York: Sure as hell it might not feel as organic, but neither did bringing the alumni back to McKinley every twice a month, just to say something. Besides, focus on the bright side: It will be amazing to have Tartie and Blam joining the NY craziness. Consider it? It will bring a brand new flavour to that side, more straight characters in the Big Apple (Rachel is the only one so far!), newly engaged Klaine living near to each other, a whole new side of NY with Tina and Artie’s storyline. It will be like a musical version of Friends, in a way. 7 main characters will give the show a chance to really follow and stick with them, giving them plenty of great juicy plots.

Buuuuut… before that happens we need to focus on the characters, give them something to chew on, so:

* Make Rachel a Star: Ever heard of a show called Smash? Sure it wasn’t a hit, but for what it’s worth, they highlighted the process and progression of a Broadway Musical, and that is what we need for this struggling, ambitious, young Barbra Streisand, see her journey with Funny Girl, from the first rehearsal to Opening Night, add some drama on the way, and you got it!

* Klaine 4 Ever?: Once Blaine moves to NYC it would be good to put their relationship to the test, in a mature, non-high school like, way. And this time I don’t mean cheating, I mean talent wise, time wise, give Kurt his chance in the spotlight, so busy that they just can’t seem to work, but they do. Since this has become the show’s core couple make their love epic, something to remember, something to hold onto untill the curtain finally closes.

* Santana Takes Over TV: First a yeast infection commercial. Tomorrow a guest appearance in a NYC based show. Make Snixx’s alter ego climb her way to the small screen. Just imagine how awesome it would be to have this vicious self declared b*tch take over the tv world. I just can imagine her sharing some scenes with people like Charlie Sheen and Tina Fey. Sheer epicness!!

* Wemma Babies: It all leads to that moment, we all know it, so why not have this characters sing their swan song by having sweet, curly haired, ginger babies.

* Artie Goes For Anything: I believe it would be fitting to see this guy document the daily happenings of his friends lives. A Funny Girl documentary? Hell yes! Kurt’s journey? Of course! Just to mention a few, but seriously this would be so organic and refreshing, and a natural way to keep this guy involved with the rest of the cast!

* Whatever Happened to Sam & Tina: Here is where it turns interesting since we got absolutely no idea what are the plans for these two characters after graduation (well, I kinda do), so sky is the limit with them! But if you ask me, not everyone can be a star, which is why I picture them having a little showbiz crissis where they decide to change their minds, but I think we can agree that if there is something they both deserve is epic love (Rachel had it, Santana too, not to mention Klaine) and not that Penny bullcrap. I don’t ship Samtina as a couple, but I def see them bonding with each other by figuring out together with their lives.

I think Tina should become a succesfull web star, maybe a blogger? Let the gal have an internship at some prestigious magazine where she speaks about self-respect, self-love, acceptance, and fashion! (Hey! Maybe we could get Kurt involved there too!) It would be awesome to have this girl who started as a shy and quiet wallflower in a position of power where she can share her (and her friends!) life experiences with the rest of the world! Talk about encouragement.

As for Sam, well… maybe bring him to a regular college, make him start a small business, which will soon grow to be a very succesful one, make him becoume Trouty Rich! He would finally be able to provide for his parents. Make Sam Evans the voice of reason.





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