Cory Monteith 與 Finn Hudson 紀念特輯
官方預告釋出 / 觸動內心深處的30秒  + 第五季定裝照拍攝花絮
官方完整本全集 6首歌曲完整釋出  (這一集都是舊生演唱! )
 5x03 全集備份載點  
 觀影分享 + 全集 6首歌曲表演完整版 (2013.10.12.更新)



* 第五季第 3集【The Quarterback / 四分衛 】將於 2013年 10月 10日晚間在美首播。 編劇: RIB三巨頭 -- Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk. 導演: Brad Falchuk.  之後將有四週的劇歇, 直到 11月7日播出 5x04.  

* 本集概要: 這一集是 Cory Monteith 與 Finn Hudson 紀念特輯. 據Ryan Murphy說明, 他們不會拍攝關於這個角色是如何死亡的, 反而這一集將會慶祝Cory與Finn的一生, 而不是追悼. 由於Finn突然死忙, New Directions成員回到McKinley回憶 (Finn).

 本集表演曲目: (2013.10.7.更新)   演唱者都是第1~2季McKinley Glee成員, 連Blaine都排不上
* Seasons of Love -音樂劇 Rent/吉屋出租(Mercedes,Santana,Kurt,Puck,Mike,Tina) 在YouTube聽 都是第一季的人 Q_Q
* If I Die Young -The Band Perry ( Santana ) 在YouTube聽   (中文翻譯歌詞, 此時好貼切, 會哭哭 T.T)
* I'll Stand by You -The Pretenders ( Mercedes ) 在YouTube聽
Fire and Rain- James Taylor ( Sam, Artie)  在YouTube聽
No Surrender -Bruce Springsteen ( Puck) 在YouTube聽
Make You Feel My Love -Adele版  (Rachel ) 在YouTube聽


 Seasons of Love(unreleased version) lyrics by Glee Cast (在YouTube聽)

2014年1月 官方終於釋出在第三季原本要收錄至3x22畢業特輯的 "Seasons of Love"未公開之畢業生演唱版,粉絲們這才知道在原始版本中Cory是有演唱的。如今在Cory離世後聽來更讓人格外感傷。(Video前幾秒的滴答聲是正常的,請靜心等候)




 觀影分享 圖文穿插 ~ (2013.10.12.更新)

* The show must go on / 演出必須繼續進行 (2x17 v.s. 5x03)   

從Mercedes唱歌開始掉眼淚, 在Hudson-Hummel家人互動中已經狂飆淚水, Santana到Sue辦公室發飆繼續淚崩, Puck與Beiste交談時再次潰堤, Santana崩潰我也崩潰了, Rachel哭著唱【Make You Feel My Love】練唱室裡的大家狂灑淚的時候衛生紙已經用掉半包, Will抱著外套哭再度崩潰.

不是很想在這樣的一集寫評論和心得, 只想順著心情去感受, 放在心裡慢慢沉澱.....





 不過在刷湯的時候看到這篇, 覺得很貼近我的心情, 不翻譯請隨意看看, 我安插在圖文中了,請往下細看~ (From X )

It was said that that the episode would show a lot of different ways that people grieve and deal with death and I have to agree that this was spot on. I was particularly taken by how in character everyone’s reactions were, even those who were in the background. No ones emotions were forced to fit into a single archetype, which was what I was particularly worried about. But it was done absolutely beautifully. Here are just a few of them.
(I’m skipping Rachel purposefully as respect to Lea’s personal grieving process)

* Hudson-Hummel family   Q____Q 






* 他們都不只一次失去親人, 太悲了. 這一家人今後將相互扶持 T.T  



 Full Performance of "Seasons of Love"   (在YouTube看)   



 Kurt (the guide / 指導者)   
Kurt is someone who has dealt with a lot of pain in his life. He lost his mom at a young age, almost lost his dad twice. He is experienced in dealing with emotions and, by nature, he is someone who constantly keeps himself moving forward despite obstacles. He is strong and, although that doesn’t make it easier to deal with things, it does give him the tools and knowledge necessary to do so. He continues to move forward through his mourning process with acceptance and he helps to support others in it as well. As he works through it, he passes on the comfort to others who need it as well. In this case, his support and comfort are symbolized in his passing Finn’s jacket to Santana.

* "It’s Santana’s now." 

* I’m going to spend my entire life missing him.   



* If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Finn dying, it’s that shame is a wasted emotion.  



 Santana (the anger / 憤怒 )    
Santana shows herself in the episode dealing with the death in much the way she always has dealt with things, with anger. She’s even out-rightly said before that she goes rage when stressed or upset. What I found particularly interesting about her was how hard she was trying to do that. Since finding self-acceptance, she has become a much gentler, kinder, happier person. But when faced when something like death, she reverts into that place of protection, the “old” Santana. Her emotions come out in fury and she can not keep herself from letting out. They land in the form of attacking Sue and screaming when Will attempts to touch her. But when all it’s all out, she’s able to come back down and start working on finding peace.




* Sue的真心話~   


 Full Performance of "If I Die Young"  (在YouTube看)   

* This is for you, Hudson.  


* If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Finn dying, it’s that shame is a wasted emotion.

 Puck (the lost / 失落 )   
Puck is quite simply lost. Not just lost without Finn, but also lost in how to deal with his grief. We see him defensive, they talk about him drinking the pain away, he tells Bieste that he doesn’t want to cry for fear that he’ll never stop. He’s too afraid at first to even begin his grieving process because he doesn’t know how to get to the other side and it’s frightening. It takes a lot of help from Bieste to coax him into moving forward and to start dealing with the things that he doesn’t want to deal with. He finally says that it will take him an army to get through it. Puck means it literally, of course, but he also means it in the sense that taking care of himself and finding a direction to travel in is what he needs to honor and grieve Finn.


 Full Performance of "No Surrender"   (在YouTube看)




* if I star crying, I don't think I'll ever stop.   


* Finn would have kicked over one of my chairs.  


 Blaine (the mask /  隱藏 )   
Blaine is a strange one considering that he didn’t speak the entire episode, but that was not because he was unaffected by the situation, it was was how he deals with things. He also didn’t sing along with any of the others’ tribute songs and, for the majority of the episode, he’s sitting away from Kurt and his best friends. We’ve seen Blaine deal with difficult things be bottling them up. Anger, fear, sadness; he locks it up internally and doesn’t let it out. It’s his defensive mechanism to put up a wall around himself to keep the bad things out, but more so to keep the even worse things in. Then, when he can’t hold up the mask anymore, it all breaks out in a tidal wave of pain, like when we see him gripping on to Kurt’s arm for deal life and crying.

* Blaine對Kurt說: I Love You~ (上排右圖 ) 


* 十指緊扣 / 是因為害怕有一天會失去Kurt, 同時也是對Kurt保證永不分開  Q____Q


 Full Performance of "Fire and Rain"   (在YouTube看)   


 Will (the rock / 堅石 )   
Schue is the leader and the authority among the kids and he makes himself be a solid foundation for those around him. Mentally and emotionally, he can not allow himself to deal with the situation until he knows that everyone else has been taken care of first. He doesn’t necessarily have to help everyone himself, but he needs, for his own peace of mind, that everyone else is taken care of. We see Schue as the last to break down because, in that moment, after taking to Rachel and Santana and everyone else, that it is finally okay for him to take care of himself.

* I'm not OK ~   Q___Q   


 Rachel / 讓人不忍再多說~

* I loved Finn, and he loved me and he loved all of you guys




 Full Performance of "Make You Feel My Love"   (在YouTube看)

* The show must go on~





* Finn / Cory , 我們會永遠記得你




 Full Performance of "I'll Stand By You"   (在YouTube看)  

* We love You, Finn








  低調備分整集 5x03 Glee 5x03 Download link (生肉)





 劇透隨便丟~ (圖文穿插) 先醬~ 


* 5x03 曝光音頻 6段  (感謝訪客阿洋提供訊息 ~ )

6,251 plays


* ALL 5.03 “The Quarterback” AUDIO CLIPS
1) Glee Pays homage to Finn Hudson by singing “Seasons Of Love”.
2) Kurt reminisces about Finn before returning to Lima for a special memorial that Will Schuester is planning.
3) Emma addresses her concern for Will’s grieving on Finn’s passing.
4) To mourn Finn’s passing, Sue has erected a memorial garden.
5) Santana gives her memorial remembrance to the glee club by singing “If I Die Young”.
6) Rachel shares her thoughts & feelings for Finn with the glee club by singing “Make You Feel My Love”.






第五季定裝照拍攝花絮 / 當時Cory還在的 ......... 

Glee | Season 5 | Photoshoot | HQ    (在YouTube看)







* 由於Finn突然死忙, New Directions成員回到McKinley回憶 (Finn).

* Will鼓勵New Directions以演唱來宣洩心中感受, 用歌聲來紀念Finn.

* 在Hudson-Hummel家中, Kurt, Burt, Carole睹物思人, 悲傷在家中蔓延, 他們亟需家庭時刻來療傷.

* Emma很擔心Will, 因為Will強打起精神照顧別人(ND)卻不允許自己釋放悲傷的情緒.

* Santana很努力地將她對Finn的感覺隱藏在她慣有的"Bitch"面具之下. 並且和Beiste有段交心對談.

* 會有一條故關於Puck從軍的故事線.

* RM說:《 幾乎每個鏡頭我們都採用演員第一次所拍攝的, 因為那是如此貼近真實》

* 預告來了 /  看一次 哭一次    Q_______Q

 Farewell To Finn Promo | GLEE   (在Youtube看)





* Oh My God, 我還是難以相信, 好好的一個人, 就這樣走了 ~~



↑  Kurt聞外套的舉動真的好讓人心酸, 大家還記得Kurt第一次和Finn談心事嗎? Kurt說:「 (想媽媽時)有時我會躲進媽媽的衣櫥裡, 閉上眼睛聞聞她的味道...」 Q__Q





     到目前為止, 這一集保密的很仔細, 流出來的劇透不多.....



* 這集名為【The Quarterback】, 意即Finn在橄欖球場上的位置 / 四分衛.

* 我們不會看到關於這個角色是如何死亡的, 反而這一集將會慶祝Cory與Finn的一生, 而不是追悼.

* 是《Emotional But Beautiful》的一集.

* 他們會演唱過去Finn曾演唱過的歌曲.

* Rachel (Lea)只會在最後一幕出現.

* 小Q不會回Lima. (So sad 嘆~)





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